
ISO13485 MD

File No. : ZMN/WI-04-051-07
Version : A
  1. Risk Analysis

风 险 分 析

COMPANY NAME: 桂林市啄木鸟医疗器械有限公司
Guilin Woodpecker Medical Instrument Co., Ltd.
COMPANY ADDRESS: 广西桂林市国家高新区信息产业园啄木鸟医疗器械有限公司
ADD: Information Industrial Park, Guilin National High-Tech Zone, Guilin Guangxi,541004,P.R.China
产 品:
PRODUCT: 啄木鸟牌光固化机

型 号:
附 件:
Accessories: 主机、导光棒、遮光片、装箱单、使用说明书、保修卡、合格证 Main unit, optical fiber, light hood, packing list, instruction manual, warranty card, quality certificate.
标 准:
PROCEDURE: EN ISO 14971:2009
结 论:
RESULT: 所有可识别的风险都已经被评估。在采取适当的措施以降低这些风险之后,关于产品预期的应用和用途上,各种等级的风险是可以接受的。
All risks associated with the identified hazards have been evaluated. After appropriate measures to reduce these risks have been taken, the overall level of risk of the product is acceptable with regard to the intended application and use of the application.

编写Compiled by: 日期Date:

评审Reviewed by 日期Date:

批准Approved by: 日期Date:

特征的定性定量分析: (acc. To EN ISO 14971:2009, cl. 4.2)
Identification of qualitative and quantitative characteristics (acc. to EN ISO 14971:2009, cl. 4.2)

1 预期用途和怎样使用:Intended use and how to use
2 是否接触病人或其他人:Intended to contact patient or other person 不接触病人。No
3 所用的元件/材料:Materials/components used 外壳:1、PC塑料,2、铝合金
4 能量给予/源于病人:
Energy to/from patient 无能量给予。No.
5 物质给予/源于病人:
Substances to /from patient 无物质给予。No.
6 被加工的生物材料:
Biological materials processed 无。No.
7 灭菌/用户灭菌或其它微生物控制:Sterile/Intended to be sterilized 非灭菌器械。No.
8 用户是否需日常清洁或消毒:
routinely cleaned and disinfected by the user 使用前用户清洁且消毒。Cleaned and disinfected before use.
9 改变病人环境:Modify patient environment 不改变。No.
10 测量功能:
Measurements 不具有测量功能。No.
11 器械输出的数据解释:
Interpretative 无数据输出。No.
12 是否与其它药物或医疗技术联用:use in conjunction with medicines or other medical technologies 没有。No.
13 不需要的能量或物质输出:Unwanted outputs of energy or substances 没有。No.
14 受环境影响:(操作、运输的存储的环境,包括溢出,电能和冷却提供)Susceptible to environmental influences 没有。No.
15 器械是否影响环境
influence the environment 不影响。No.
16 基本消耗品/附件Consumables/accessories associated 无No.
17 是否需要维护或校正Routine maintenance/calibration 无需特别维护和校正。No.
18 是否包括软件Software
19 是否有严格的寿命周期
Restricted “shelf-life”: 没有。No.
20 延长/长期使用的影响
Delayed and/or long-term use effect 不影响。No.
21 使用者或病人对器械机械力控制Mechanical forces 不需要。No.
22 决定器械的寿命(包括老化)Lifetime of the device determined 没有。No.
23 一次性/重复使用Single use/re-use 重复使用。Re-use.
24 是否需安全退出运行或处置
safe decommissioning or disposal 不需要。No.
25 安装和使用是否需特殊培训
Special training required to install or use 不需要特殊培训。No.
26 新生产过程是否需建立或引入
new manufacturing processes need to be established or introduced 不需要。No.
27 是否器械的成功使用,决定性的取决于人为因素,如用户接口
successful application of the medical device critically dependent on human factors, such as user interface 成功使用决定于操作者的使用。Depends on user.
27.1 医疗器械是否有连接部分或附件
connecting parts or accessories 无。No.
27.2 是否有控制接口
control interface 没有。No.
27.3 器械是否显示信息
display information 没有。No.
27.4 器械是否由莱单控制
controlled by a menu 没有。No.
28 器械是否可移动或可携带式
To be mobile or portable 可移动、便携带式。
Letters in the first column refer to EN ISO 14971:2009, cl. 4.2.
其它重要的特征Other essential characters

D2. Energy Hazards 能量危害
1 电能 Electricity 没有。No. There is electricity present. List hazards     。List controls
2 热 Heat 没有。No.    。
3 机械力 Mechanical force 没有。No.
4 离子辐射 Ionizing radiation 没有。No.
5 非离子辐射 Non-ionizing radiation 没有。No.
6 电磁场 Electromagnetic fields 没有。No.
7 可移动部件 Moving parts 没有。No.
8 悬浮物 Suspended masses 没有。No.
9 支持病人器械失败 Patient support device failure 没有。No.
10 压力(管壁破裂) Pressure(vessel rupture) 没有。No.
11 声压Acoustic pressure 没有。No.
12 振动 Vibration 没有。No.
13 磁场 Magnetic fields(e.g. MRI) 没有。No.

D3. Biological hazards 生物危害
1 微生物污染 Bio-contamination 没有。No.
2 生物不相容 Bio-incompatibility 没有。No. Tips come in contact with the patient. List controls
3 不正确的成份(化学组成) Incorrect formulation(chemical composition) 没有。No.
4 毒性 Toxicity 没有。No.
5 变态反应性allergenicity 没有。No.
6 诱变性mutagenicity 没有。No.
7 致瘤性oncogenicity 没有。No.
8 致畸性teratogenicity 没有。
9 致癌性Carcinogenicity 没有。No.
10 再感染,交叉感染Re-and/or cross-infection 有可能造成感染、交叉感染。Maybe. 3 3 3 27 使用前进行清洁、消毒。Cleaned and disinfected before use. 2 2 4 NO 可以接受acceptable
11 致热性pyrogenicity 没有。No.
12 不能保持卫生安全Inability to maintain hygienic safety 没有。No.
13 降解 Degradation 没有。No.

D4. Environmental hazards and contributory factors 环境危害及其形成因素
1 电磁场electromagnetic fields 没有。No.
2 不充足的能量或冷却提供 Inadequate supply of power or coolant 没有。No.
3 对电磁干扰的敏感性Susceptibility to electromagnetic interference 有。Yes. 2 2 2 8 EN61000-3-2:2006,EN61000-3-3:2008
EN60601-1-2:2007 1 2 2

NO 可以接受acceptable
4 电磁干扰的发射Emissions of electromagnetic interference 没有。No. Test?
5 不充足的能量提供 Inadequate supply of power 没有。No.
6 不充足的冷却提供inadequate supply of coolant 没有。No.
7 储存或操作偏离规定的外部环境条件
Storage or operation outside prescribed environmental conditions 没有。No.
8 与其它器械不相容 Incompatibility with other devices 没有。No.
9 意外的机械危害 Accidental mechanical damage 没有。No.
10 废弃物和/或器械处置的污染 Contamination due to waste products and /or device disposal 没有。No.

D5. Hazards resulting from incorrect output of energy and substances 不正确的能量和物质输出产生的危害
1 电能electricity 无No. ???
2 辐射radiation 无No. Light?
3 音量volume 无No.
4 压力pressure 无No.
5 医疗气体的供应supply of medical gases 无No.
6 麻醉剂的供应supply of anaesthetic agents 无No.

D6. Hazards related to the use of the device and contributory factors使用器械危害及其形成因素
1 不适当的标签 Inadequate labeling 有yes. 2 2 2 8 IEC60601-1:2005 2 1 2 NO 可以接受acceptable
2 不适当的使用手册Inadequate operating instructions如:
 附件技术规范不适当inadequate specification of   accessories
 预使用检查规范不适当inadequate specification of pre-use checks
 操作说明书过于复杂over-complicated operating instructions
 服务和维修规范不适当inadequate specification of service and maintenance 有 yes. 2 2 2 8 IEC60601-1:2005 2 1 2 NO 可以接受acceptable
3 由无经验或未经培训的人使用 Use by unskilled/untrained personnel 有可能造成危害。Maybe. 4 4 2 32 严格按照使用说明书要求进行操作。Strictly operate by the instruction manual. 2 2 4 NO 可以接受acceptable
4 合理的可预见的错误使用 Reasonably foreseeable misuse 无No.
5 不充分的副作用警告Insufficient warning of side effects 无No.
6 不充分的一次性使用器械重复使用后的可能危害 Inadequate warning of hazards likely with re-use of single use devices 无No.
7 不正确的测量和其它方面计量Incorrect measurement and other metrological aspects 无No.
8 与消耗品/附件/其它器械不相容 Incompatibility with consumables/accessories/other devices 无No.
9 锐边、锐角sharp edges or points 无No.

C7. Inappropriate, inadequate or over-complicated user interface (man/machine communication) 不正确、不充分或过于复杂的用户介面 (人/机交流)
1 错误或判断错误Mistakes and judgement errors 无No.
2 重叠和认知检索错误Lapses and cognitive recall errors 无No.
3 滑移和疏忽(精神或实际的)Slips and blunders (mental or physical) 有可能造成危害 Maybe. 2 1 2 4 严格按照使用说明书要求进行操作。Strictly operate by the instruction manual. 2 2 4 NO 可以接受acceptable
4 违反或偏离说明书、程序等Violation or abbreviation of instructions, procedures, etc., 有可能造成危害Maybe. 2 1 1 2 严格按照使用说明书要求进行操作。Strictly operate by the instruction manual. 2 1 2 NO 可以接受acceptable
5 复杂或混淆的控制系统Complex or confusing control system 无No.
6 含糊的或不清晰的医疗器械状态Ambiguous or unclear device state 无No.
7 设置、测量或其它信息的含糊或不清晰的显示Ambiguous or unclear presentation of settings, measurements or other information 无No.
8 结果的错误呈显示Mispresentation of results 无No.
9 视觉、听觉或触觉的不充分Insufficient visibility, audibility or tactility 无No. Beep? Quantify to standard
10 动作控制或实际状态信息显示的图象不清Poor mapping of controls to action, or of displayed information to actual state 无No.
11 与现存设备相比,模式或图象成问题Controversial modes or mappings as compared to existing equipment 无No.

D8. Hazards arising from functional failure, maintenance and ageing 功能性失效,维护、老化的危害和形成因素
1 错误的数据转换Erroneous data transfer 无No.
2 维护(包括维修后功能检查技术参数不足)的技术参数不足或缺乏Lack of , or inadequate specification for maintenance including inadequate specification of post maintenance functional checks 无No.
3 不适当的维护 Inadequate maintenance 无No.
4 缺乏决定器械寿命的因素决定Lack of adequate determination of end of device life 无No.
5 缺少电气/机械完整性 Loss of electrical / mechanical integrity 无No.
6 不适当的包装(污染和/或器械损坏) Inadequate packaging(contamination and /or deterioration of the device ) 无No.
7 重复使用或不正确的重复使用 re-use and / or Improper re-use 导光棒重复使用或不正确使用可能造成危害。Re-use or incorrect use may lead to damage of the optical fiber. 2 2 2 8 使用前严格进行消毒。 Strictly disinfected before operation. 1 2 2

NO 可以接受acceptable
8 由于重复使用使用造成的功能恶化(如液/气路的逐渐闭塞、流阻、电导率的变化)Deterioration in function (e.g. gradual occlusion of fluid/gas path, or change in resistance to flow, electrical conductivity) as a result of repeated use. 无No.

B2. Additional hazards to in vitro diagnostic medical devices 体外诊断医疗器械的额外危害
1 批次的不均匀性、批次和批次的不一致性Batch inhomogeneity, batch-to-batch inconsistency 无No.
2 共同的干扰因素Common interfering factors 无No.
3 延期效应Carry-over effects 无No.
4 样本标示错误Specimen identification errors 无No.
5 稳定性问题(在储存中、运输中、使用中、容器第一次打开后)Stability problems (in storage, in shipping, in use, after first opening of the container) 无No.
6 与样本的抽取、准备及稳定性问题Problems related to taking, preparation and stability of speciments 无No.
7 先决条件的不适当技术规范Inadequate specification of prerequisites 无No.
8 不适当的试验特性)Inadequate test characteristics 无No.

生产后信息Post-production information

生产后经验Post-production experience:
1、 没有出现事先未认知的危害出现。None unpredictable risks appear.
2、 所有风险都可以接受。Accept all the risks.
3、 初始评审没有失效。No failure on the first review.

风险管理经验的评审Review of risk management experience:
1、 所有可识别的风险都已经被评估,在采取适当的措施以降低这些风险之后,关于产品预期的应用和用途上,各种等级的风险是可以接受的。
All the identifiable risks have been evaluated. After taking some proper measures to decrease these risks, on the usage and expected apply of product, all kinds of risk is acceptable.

Form 1: Severity level of risk
等级 名称
Level 代号
Code 系统风险定义
Definition of system risk
轻度 Mild 1 轻度伤害或无伤 Minor injury or no injury
中度 Moderate 2 中等伤害 Medium damage
致命 Fatal 3 一人死亡 One person died
灾难性 Catastrophic 4 多人死亡或重伤
People have been killed or seriously injured

表2:风险的 概率等级
Form 2: Probability level of risk
等级 名称
Level 代 号
Code 频次(每年)次/台/年
Frequency (per year) times / Unit/ Year
极少 Very little 1 <10-6
非常少 Little 2 10-4~10-6
很少 Seldom 3 10-2~10-4
偶尔 Occasional 4 10-1~10-2
有时 Sometimes 5 1~10-1
经常 Frequently 6 >1
Remark: Frequency means the number of incidents that device occurs or may occur.

Form 3: Evaluation criteria of risk
概 率 Probability 严重程度 Severity
4 3 2 1
灾难性 Catastrophic 致命
Fatal 中度
Moderate 轻度
经常 Frequently 6 U U U R
有时 Sometimes 5 U U R R
偶然 Occasional 4 U R R R
很少 Seldom 3 R R R A
非常少 Little 2 R R A A
极少 Very Little 1 A A A A

Acceptable risk
Risk as low as reasonably practicable
Risk is judged to be unacceptable without a risk / benefit analysis

缩略词:Abbreviations used

RE 风险评估Risk Evaluation
S 严重程度Severity (9 – 非常严重very severe, 0 –不严重 not severe)
O 发生频率Occurrence (9 – 经常often, 0 – 不发生never)
D 可发现Detection
(9 – 当风险发生时不可能发现impossible to detect before risk occurs,
0 – 当风险发生时一定可发现will be certainly detected before risk occurs)
RL 风险等级Risk Level = 严重性Severity × 发生频率Occurrence × 可发现Detection 1-9: 可忽略的风险,不需进一步行动 neglectable risk, no further actions; 9-24: 中等风险,建议预防措施 moderate: minimal risk, preventive action recommended; 25-48: 中等风险,要求预防措施 moderate risk, preventive action required; >48: 风险通常一般不可接受 risk is usually not acceptable
RRM 风险减少措施 Risk Reduction Measure
NH 新危害发生New hazard generated (no/ yes - if yes, 如不可接受,写出危害号码 then number of new hazard indicated)
ALOR 风险是否可接受 Acceptable Level of Risk


tome22531 (威望:0) (上海 ) 机械制造 工程师



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