
March 27, Thursday, Sunny ( About Pyramid Principle)

March 27, Thursday, Sunny

As a matter of fact, in my memory, I have never truly learned Pyramid Principle, not to mention how to standardize the using of Pyramid of the Four Elements into writing and reporting to the related leader. Beginning today, I plan to start studying it and expect to apply its essence to my diary.

Talking about a typical Pyramid, we know that sitting at the top is the “cap stone”, which is supported by a layer of stone blocks or pebbles underneath. In turn, this layer of stones and pebbles is supported by another layer of similar material beneath them. When layer after layer of stones and pebbles are put together, a pyramid is formed.

Analogously, in writing, the cap stone is the summary or the conclusion of the presentation, which is supported by layers and layer of horizontally and vertically cohesively structured facts and evidence. In short, the Pyramid Principle teaches us how to write clearly so that readers can easily comprehend.

It is late and time to go to bed. I regret that I am not able to express its four elements because my limited English level, but I will do my best and try to explain them in coming days.

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