

Could you tell me what's meaning about Implement Process capability 10-steps.as following:
1 Characterize the entire manufacturing process.
2 Initiate an attribute control chart (P-chart) on Rolling-Throughput-Yield. Does the supplier have the documented process on P-chart, business owner, and action steps for correcting out-of-control points? Does the supplier show the evidence of aggressive corrective actions on out-of-control points?
3 Identify Critical Parameters. Has the supplier formed cross-fucntional team? Has the supplier identified Process and/or Product Critical Parameters? Can the supplier show that those identified critical parameters affect the customer experience?
4 Review specifications for the critical characteristics. Does the supplier have the process to define specs based on engineering and tolerance analyses? Does the supplier have the process to tighten up specs or do they maintain the same spec always? Has the supplier defined the required CPK values?
5 Conduct Measurement System Analysis. Is Gage R&R result acceptable?
6 Implement X-bar and R variable data control charts on the critical parameters. Has the supplier designed their SPC based on Beta-Error Subgroup Size chart? Does the supplier have the documented process on X-bar and R charts, business owner, and action steps for correcting out-of-control points? Does the supplier show the evidence of aggressive corrective actions on out-of-control points?
7 Calculate CP and CPK. Has the normality of the data been tested? The data should be Stable and Normal.
8 If Cp is not same as CPK, plan the actions to make CP=CPK.
If CPK is below 1.33, plan the actions to raise CPK to 1.33. Show the action plans (or control plans) for the improvement.
9 Conduct statistical correlation between supplier critical parameters and Dell quality metrics. Conduct the correlation analysis between critical parameters and supplier RTY. Are there any correlations?
If there is no correlation, are we missing the right critical parameter that impact customer experience?
Work on the action plans on identifying the critical parameters that impact customer experience. Show the evidence of the action plans.
10 Implement Process Capability with sub-tier suppliers.
Move upstream.
Identify the core suppliers that impact customer experience.
Implement the same Process Capability program with the core suppliers. Show the evidence of the plans.

I don't know what's mean.Can you translate it? Thanks very much!

sxxinyu (威望:5) (江苏 无锡) 机械制造 - 愿交天下友,愿学天下识!朋友,希望认识你,让我们...


Beta-error β误差数据图表??? hehe , it is mistake.
I know how to translate the “Beta-Error”. It’s meaning is “B 错误”。也就是第二类错误风险率,即“存伪“错误,就是犯了把质量坏的一批产品当作质量好的一批产品去看待、处理的错误。The “Beta-Error Subgroup Size chart”’s meaning is “ B错误子组图”。

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