
客户抱怨与退货管理程序(forune 500)

本帖最后由 stevejin 于 2009-3-12 06:04 编辑

修订历史Revision History
Rev. Date 版本
Rev. 修订内容
Rev. Contents 修订者

核准Approved by:
Tom Mao 2008.6.8

审核Reviewed by:
Stanley Liu 2008.6.6

编写Prepared by:
Vicky Cai 2008.6.5

1 目的 建立一个适当的质量抱怨处理程序, 使顾客抱怨与退货的处理能迅速、确实、有系统的执行, 从而使质量异常问题得到正确有效的改进。
Purpose The purpose of this document is to define the procedures and responsibilities for handling the customer complaint and return goods, to assure rapidly, correctly, systematic to implement the correct & effective improvement for quality issue.
2 范围 由SDI交付的产品在顾客端发生质量特性要求不符合顾客之期望而引起的抱怨和退货。
Scope This process applies to the customer complaints and returns for the products sold by SDI.
3 定义 Definition
3.1 NCR –Nonconformance Report不符合报告
3.2 RMA-不合格材料追踪一览表
3.3 MP- 物料部(采购,计划,物流,仓库,客服) Material Customer Service Department
3.4 QA- 质量部Quality Department
3.5 PD- 制造部(生产,设备,工程,模具)Manufacture Department
3.6 PE- 产品工程部 (项目工程,产品工程)Product Engineer Department
3.7 7 Step- 纠正与预防行动要求书或叫CAR。 Corrective and Preventive Actions Request, or called CAR.

4 职责 Responsibilities
4.1 各部门
任何部门收到顾客抱怨, 均要知会到 MP 和QA部门。All departments – Be responsible to forward customer complaints to MP Customer Service (CS) department and QA Department.
4.2 QA
4.2.1负责顾客抱怨和退货的联络处理, NCR的发行。Record customer complaints, notify QA, follow up on the actions taken, provide feedback to customers, generate RMA# and send it to appropriate teams。
4.2.2. 负责指导顾客按指定的方式退回不良品或就地报废。Be responsible to contact with customer for defective parts’ disposition, return or scrap at customer site.
4.2.3 负责安排跟进退货,换货或补货。Follow up goods return, replacement.
4.2.4 召集并主导相关人员进行原因分析, 完成7- Step 分析过程。QA – provide preliminary analysis, organize meetings with cross-functional teams, and provide 7- Step report。
4.2.5 负责参与并跟进退货授权书的审批。To participate in and follow up the approval for NCR.
4.2.6 退货品的标识和处理跟进。Be responsible for identification and disposition for return goods.
4.3 总经理 Managing Director
对质量部认可的NCR进行最终批准。Be responsible for the final approval for NCR after QA recognition.
生产等相关部门 PD or other related department.
负责协助QA对问题原因进行调查及执行纠正/ 预防措施。Production & related department will assist QA to analysis the root cause and implement the corrective & preventive action.
4.4 仓库 MP-Warehouse
负责退货品与NCR符合性确认后的产品接收,并将退货品放置于质量部隔离区域,同时知会信息给QA和MP-CS部门。Be responsible to receive and confirm the return goods with NCR, and place return goods to “Quality Hold”, notice QA and MP-CS after reception.

5 程序内容 Procedure content
5.2 顾客投诉的处理 Handling of Customer Complaint
5.1.1顾客投诉信息的受理 Receiving Compliant Information from Customer.当公司任何部门收到顾客所发出的客诉联络单或电话投诉时,应向顾客了解投诉货品的相关资料,内容包括顾客料号 、顾客订单 、出货数量 、出货日期 、 不良数量 、抱怨原因 、LOT NO等资料,经确认后,视顾客的要求及客诉状况由MP-CS登记在案,然后将抱怨信息转移给质量部调查客诉产生原因 。
When SDI any department receive the customers’ complaint sheet or telephone complaint ,firstly it should be know the complaint related documents, the content including the customer P/N, the customer order, shipping out QTY& date, defective Qty, Complaint cause, LOT NO. Etc documents, after verification MP-CS will log in them according the complaint status and the customer requirements, then pass the information to QA department to investigate the root cause.
5.1.2顾客投诉的责任判定 Liability judgment for Customer Complaint 质量部根据客诉资料, 将和相关部门一起确认SDI是否接受该抱怨,如果确认不是本公司的原因,将由CS通知顾客拒收这个抱怨。
QA needs to gather the results and report to customer with explanations. if the complaint is not caused by SDI, CS will inform the customer to reject it with reasons.当质量部门和其他部门一起确认是SDI的责任,将提供初步的回复给顾客,为使原因分析更为具体,必要时向顾客取得不良样品或不良图片。
If QA and other department confirm together this complaint defect is caused by SDI, QA will provide preliminary response to the customer, to find the root cause fully, if necessary, Let the customer provide the defect samples or defect pictures 。 质量部将新的客诉信息录入< Quality Communication LOG> QA-F0039。QA will log in the new complaint information into the < Quality Communication LOG> QA-F0039.若分析结果最终显示不良属于顾客造成,本公司则通知顾客并协助其解决及改进。
If our analysis result is that the defect is caused by the customer process, SDI will inform the customer and assist to resolve and improve the issue 。
5.1.3 顾客抱怨的原因分析和报告提交 Causes analysis and submitting 8D report对于判定为本公司责任的客诉, 质量部将汇集责任部门如:物料采购、生产(含生产技术)等进行产品不良的原因分析,制定解决异常问题的暂时对策和防止再发生的永久对策,经整理后填写在<7-Step报告>-QA-F0040上,8D报告经质量部经理核准,经核准后之<7-Step报告>-QA-F0040则通过部门或直接回复给顾客。When QA dep. confirm this defect is caused by SDI, QA dep. will call in the responsible dep. (Example: Purchasing; Manufacture-includes manufacture technique etc) to built a function team and to analysis the root cause and define the short and long improvement action, then finish <7-Step报告>-QA-F0040 after approval by QA manager, pass the report to the customer to the customer directly by QA.不良原因的分析,必要时需要得到PD和 PE的支持和批准。If necessary, for the root cause analysis need get the support and approval from Headquarters, PD and PE.
5.1.4措施执行和效果确认 To take improvement actions and valuate for effectiveness质量警报:对顾客投诉的情况,质量部在必要时将发行<质量警报>QA-F0026,作为暂时对策通知现场人员该不良信息。Quality Alert: If necessary, quality department will issue the <Quality Alert>QA-F0026 for the customer complaint to post up at the work site for notice all employees as the short time action.暂在制品和库存品确认:当收到顾客抱怨时,应针对顾客质量问题,对公司内之库存品及在制品进行复检,包括类似的产品,确保合格后方可出货及继续生产。When receiving the customer complaint, for the customer concern issue we will double check the inventory and in-process, including the similar products, after all is verification if meet Spec. requirements, then we can shipping out normally and continuously.质量部及时确认对策实施情况,如果有必要,责任单位和质量部应根据对策实施情况及时再制定预防措施(如PFMEA,WI或其它文件),并记录在7-Step报告中,同时进行相关的培训或将经验教训在公司内分享。
QA verify the action implement status in time, if need the responsible dep. and QA will re-define the prevent action (eg: PFMEA, WI or others doc.) and record them on 7-Step report, also share the related training or experience to total factory。对策实施确认完后,质量部应及时验证实施的效果,在纠正措施完成情况不理想或未达到效果时,及时增加或更新纠正措施计划。After confirm the action implement status, quality department should be verify the improvement result, if corrective action is not ideal or not meet the actual requirements, the function team be adding or update the correction action with the responsible dep.。
5.1.5措施标准化及水平展开 Standardize, outspread breadth wise纠正预防措施经确认有效后,对该产品及其它相类似的产品横向展开,并实施标准化,以杜绝相同异常所造成的不良外流。After valuation for the effectiveness and the result is satisfied, the function team should take actions to outspread breadth wise in company, and standardize documentation, to eliminate recurrence.
5.1.6顾客抱怨处理的时效性: Timeframe for handling customer complaint as below:问题识别及行动计划确定: 48小时
Problem Identification and Action Planning Defined within 48H确定围堵对策及初步回复: 24小时
Containment Action and preliminary response: within 24H针对根本原因的改正行动计划: 7天
Corrective Action Plan for root cause: within 7 days.如问题与供货商有关,相关7-Step (CAR)须在72小时内传送至供货商并依5.1.6.1-的时间表完成。
If the problem is related to supplier, the relevant CAR shall be transmitted to supplier, and will be completed according to schedule that required。顾客有要求时,7-Step的处理时限按顾客要求执行, 如因调查及分析原因而导致回复时间延误的,必须事先跟顾客联络,并征得顾客同意。
When the customer has the special requirements for reply time, 8D handle time must implement according the customer request. If the replied date is delayed since the root cause analysis, QA and CS has to contact with customer and get its agreement.

5.3 顾客退货的处理Handling of Customer Return
5.3.3 NCR的发行 NCR
在完成上述5.1.1、5.1.2后,对属于我司责任的问题,在质量部确认问题后, 发行NCR报告给质量部、制造部、工程部,总经理汇签, 并将批准件发布到仓库、财务和质量部, QA对发行的NCR进行编号和登录,并维护。After steps of 5.1.1,5.1.2, for the quality issue has been confirmed by our quality department, QA department will issue QA-F0037(NCR) sheet to the Quality Manager and Managing Director for approval, and distribute the approved RMA to warehouse, quality department and finance. QA will number and log for RMA, and maintain the <RMA Log>QA-F0038. RMA 审批权限:NCR数量在1000PCS以下且金额在1000RMB以下有质量部经理和制造部主管批准。超过这个权限由总经理加批。RMA approval authorities: The quantity is within 1000pcs and the value is within 1000RMB, the Quality manager and MFG supervisor will approve the RMA, otherwise RMA will be approved by Managing Director.
5.2.2顾客端的不良品联络处理 Disposition for defective parts at customer site QE与顾客保持沟通, 与顾客协商顾客端不良品的处理事宜。MP-CS department will keep contacting and negotiate about disposition for the defective parts at customer site with our customer.
a. 指引顾客以给定的退货方式和路径退回不良品。Guide the customer return the goods as our appointed method.
b. MP-CS根据与顾客协商的不良品处理结果(换货或扣款)跟进内部的实施操作,当顾客要求换货时, MP-CS将安排换货交付并跟进换货品交付情况。MP-CS shall follow up internal implementation according the disposition result for defective parts (Replacement or Credit Note). If the customer needs replacement, CS arranges and follows up the delivery for the replacement. 当顾客处置是扣款时,财务部根据NCR负责处理顾客的扣款操作。When customer disposition is to issue credit note from us, Finance department will handle it according the approved NCR.
5.2.3退货品的接受和处置 Reception and Internal disposition for return parts.仓库接受到退货品, 找到相对应的NCR。 When warehouse is noticed to receive for the return goods, warehouse will retrieve the RMA approved by SDI根据NCR确认退货品的料号、数量、NCR号等信息的一致性,符合后在对方送货单上签。 Check the returned goods while still on the truck and match product with return authorization. If the return authorization matches the return shipment, unload the truck and sign freight bill. Give the pack slip, freight bill, and return authorization form to QA.对于没有NCR的退货品需要和质量部确认,或工厂总经理,以初步确定是接收送交的退货品还是拒绝。If there is no return authorization on the return goods, check with the QA, managing director prior to acceptance or refusal of shipment. If these contacts are not available, the delivery will be refused. 确定接收退货后,立即验收数量并将实际的数量记录,将退货品放置在质量隔离区,并根据对应的NCR填写好<不合格品记一览表>QA-F0036。Weigh count right away in order to verify quantities and enter the quantity under actual weigh count. The returned shipment is placed into the Quality Hold Area by warehouse person, the shipment should be attached the <Reject Product Log> QA-F0036 which is filled by warehouse according RMA form. 质量部负责依据SDI-023对顾客退货进行处置。Disposition is made by the QA for returns according the SDI-P023.当QA确认退回品无法返修或返工时, 通知仓库按对产品实施报废处理,。For the return parts which cannot be reworked or sorted, quality department will inform warehouse to scrap the parts according.当QA确认可以分选或返工时,返工或分选后的产品QA将根据控制计划实施检查。For the return parts which can be reworked or sorted, production control will issue the rework or sorting order to sorting team. For parts reworked or sorted, quality department will implement the inspection according the control plan. 对于质量部确认后的返工品或分选品,不良品入不合格品仓,合格品入合格品仓库。After quality department finish to inspection for the parts reworked or scrapped, acceptable parts will be release to OK warehouse and not acceptable parts will be moved to defective or scrap warehouse.
6 流程图 Flow Chart 顾客投诉处理流程图 Flowchart for Handling of Customer Complaint
流程图 Flow Chart 责任部门 Owner 表单 Form

质量部 Related Dept. (QA)

相关部门 Related Dept.
质量部 QA
质量部 QA

Function team
Function team

质量部 QA

质量部 QA

Improvement team

<Customer Complaint Log>.

(即<7-Step报告 > )
<Corrective and Preventive Actions Request>
(<7-Step report>)

顾客退货处理流程图 Flowchart for Handling of Customer Return
流程图 Flow Chart 责任部门 Owner 表单 Form

相关部门 Related Dept.

相关部门 Related

质量部 QA
质量部 Quality
质量部 Quality
制造部 MFG
总经理 Managing Director

财务部 Finance


物料部仓库 Warehouse
质量部 Quality

质量部 Quality
相关部门 Related Dept.
<NCR Log>

<RMA Log>
<Goods Receiving Note>
<Reject Product Tag>

7 相关程序文件 Related Procedures




8 相关表单 Forms
<纠正与预防行动要求书> QA-F0040(即《7-Step报告 》 )
<Corrective and Preventive Actions Request> (<7-Step report>)
<NCR> -Nonconformance Report QA-F0037
<RMA Log>-QA-F0038
<质量警报> QA-F0042
<Quality Alert Form>
<不合格产品一览表> QA-F0036
<Reject Product Log>

192liangcheng (威望:0)


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1.计划重于反映,预防甚于治疗; 2.我不同意你说的每一个字,但我誓死捍卫你说话的权利态度确定思想决定行为带来习惯养成性格定夺命运改变人生2需要决定行为,行为带来满足,满足之后更新需要 3.被人帮助是幸福的,哪怕是微不足道的一点提示。帮助别人是快乐的,哪怕是一个“谢”字的回复4.不是所有事情一定要达到最完美时才可以做的,但能做的事情就一定要做的
