

1.Plastic parts 塑膠部件
Inspection Points /檢查要點 : Abrasion/划痕,Bubbles/气泡,Burrs/毛刺,Bad Plating/電鍍不良,Contamination/雜質,Crack/爆裂, Combine Lines/結合線,Deformation/變形,Flow Marks/流痕,GreasyDirt/油污,Haze/霧狀,Jelly/泠膠,Mold Marks/模痕,Melange Color/混色,Oppilation Hole/盲孔,Pull White/拉白,Pour Hole uneven/澆口不平,Wrong Stamping/字麥不符, Short Shots/缺料,Shrinkage/縮水, Stripped Screw/螺絲滑牙,Top White/頂白,Weld Lines/夾水紋,Wrong Dimension/尺寸不符 ,Wrong Texture/紋理錯誤,Light/發亮 ;
2.Metal Parts 五金部件
Inspection Points /檢查要點 : Abrasion/划痕 ,Bad Weld/焊接不良 ,Burrs/毛刺 ,Bad Plating/電鍍不良 ,Bend angle/折彎角度,Contamination/雜質 ,Crack/爆裂 ,Deformation/變形 ,Dents/凹痕 ,Greasy Dirt/油污 ,Mold Marks/模痕 ,Missing Stamp/漏沖壓 ,Oppilation Hole/盲孔 ,Pressing Marks/壓痕 ,Rust/生鏽 ,Wrong Stamping/字麥錯誤 ,Short Shots/缺料 ,Stripped Screw/螺絲滑牙, Pits/疤痕 ,Specks/斑點 ,Wrong Texture/紋理錯誤 ,Wrong Dimension/尺寸不符 ;
3.Painting parts / SilkScreen parts 噴油/絲印部件
Inspection Points /檢查要點 : Bleeding/滲色 , Bad Painting/噴油不良 , Contamination/雜質 , deviate position/偏位 , Flow Marks/流痕 , Missing paint/漏噴,Over Paint/肥油 , Pits/疤痕 , Poor Adhesion/附著力差 , Print Words Leans/印刷字體傾斜 ,Pooring Paint/薄油, Silkscreen Haze/絲印模糊 , Silkscreen Stamping Inconsistency/絲印字樣不一致 , Scratch/划傷 , Speck/斑點 , Uneven Surface Oil/表面油層不均勻 , Words Break Off/字体斷開 , Wrong Color/錯誤顏色 , Wrong Texture/紋理錯誤 ;
4.PCB 印制线路板
Open/开路; Short/短路; Weave Texture/板料席纹; Foreign Residue/外来杂物; Delamination/爆板,分层; Dent/凹陷;Dent on G/F/金手指凹陷; Scratch/擦花; Misregistration/对位不正; Board Damage/板子损坏; C/M Illegible/白字不清; C/M on pad/白字上垫; Copper expoure/露铜; Solder Mask on Pad/绿油上垫; Uneven Solder Mask/绿油不平均; Solder Mask peeling off/绿油脱落; Missing Hole/漏孔; Excess Hole/多孔; Wrong Hole Size/孔径错误; Hole Breakout/崩孔; Nick Trace/线路缺口; Void on Trace/线路铜穿; Diskdown/线路不良/狗牙; Solder Mask inside hole/绿油入孔; Discolouration under Solder Mask/绿油颜色不良; Foreign matter under Solder Mask/绿油下杂物; Solder Mask skipping/不过油; Solder on Gold Finger/金手指上锡; Poor Bevelling/斜边不良; Gold Finger burrs/金手指损坏; Ping Ring/粉红圈.
5.Electronic parts 电子元件
No AVL/没AVL; not on AVL/不在AVL上; Mfg/Mfg P/N dis-match AVL/ 与AVL不符; D/C overdue/ D/C 过期;无D/C; wrong part/错料; no reel/无卷轴; bulk packing for chip/ 散装; No dry packing(HIC change color)/ 无真空包装(防潮卡变色); No ESD packing/无防静电包装; illegible marking/印字不清, wrong marking/印字错; deformation/变型 ; micro crack/裂料;damaged part/ 烂料 ;Lead bent(PTH/SMT)/脚弯;Solder balls damaged/锡球坏 wrong lead form/脚型错; wrong pitch/脚距不符; coplanar problem/平整度不良; pad(lead) oxidization/锡垫(引脚)氧化; wrong direction in tape(tray)/带中(盘中)方向错; short pins/引脚短; failed in solderability/ 焊锡不良; size(dimensions) out of specification/ 尺寸超标; function fail/ 功能不良;no tolerance/无误差范围; contamination/杂质; wrong identification for pin1/ 第1脚标识错.Broker Buy/炒料;(巻装物料)巻带前无空余巻带(No blank cover tape for feeder loading).巻带粘力不足Not enough adhesive for the cover tape. 料盤变形Reel Deforming/卷带变型.

conquerlazy (威望:7) (江苏 苏州) 电子制造 经理 - 积极上进、勤奋、求实



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