
(校稿任务) 第110篇 Six Sigma and More



Six Sigma and More

Relational autonomy

As my wife, Carole, was recently preparing to begin another chapter in our forthcoming book, The Transformational Workplace, she found out that one of the people we interviewed on my sabbatical last year had just won the International Children’s Peace Prize. Her name is Michaela (Chaeli) Mycroft. Here is her story.
我的妻子Carole近期在为即将来临的一部书的下一章做准备。在我去年休假的最后几天,我们遇到一个人,这个人曾经获得了世界儿童和平奖。他的名字叫Michaela (Chaeli) Mycroft,下面是一些关于他的故事。

Seven years ago, Chaeli was a nine-year-old child, born with cerebral palsy, who wanted nothing more than the greater degree of autonomy she could gain if she had a motorized wheelchair. A small group of kids ages six to 12, including Chaeli’s sister, Erin, and three school friends, Tarryn, Justine, and Chelsea Terry, took on the mission of raising the money to purchase the chair.
7年前,Chaeli当时9岁,同时患有先天大脑麻痹。他最大自治的梦想就是有一个机械化的轮椅。一个从6到12岁的团队就这样组成了,包括Chaeli的妹妹、Erin 、还有其他三个学校里的小伙伴,Tarryn, Justine,和Chelsea Terry,担起了挣钱买轮椅的使命。

By creating and selling their own art work, they not only raised the money in just seven weeks, but launched the organization, the Chaeli Campaign, that now helps more than 3,000 children with disabilities in South Africa and beyond to increase their own independence, autonomy, and self-sufficiency. In November 2011, at age 17, Chaeli and her crew traveled to Amsterdam, where Chaeli received the prestigious International Children’s Peace Prize, presented to her by Nobel Peace Laureate, Mairead Maguire. When the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates met in Chicago, April 23–25, 2012, Chaeli took the stage to receive the Peace Summit Medal for Social Activism.
通过创作作品,然后把作品卖掉,他们不仅在7周内挣够了买轮椅的钱,他们还成立了自己的组织“Chaeli运动”。到现在为止已经帮助了南非的超过3000的残疾儿童,以帮助他们独立、自立,以及自给自足。在2011年11月,17岁的Chaeli和他的团队去了阿姆斯特丹 ,在那里他获得了享有盛誉的国际儿童和平奖,给他颁奖的是诺贝尔奖获得者Mairead Maguire 。2012年4月23日到25日,当这些杰出的诺贝尔和平奖获得者在参加芝加哥峰会的时候,Chaeli登台领取了和平的最高奖。

While all of this is a remarkable story, one of the most amazing things about Chaeli is a smile that can light up a room like few others. After we had the opportunity to sit down with Chaeli and the whole organization’s staff, which included the original crew, along with the girls’ parents, at their Plumstead headquarters near Cape Town, our spirits were lifted for days.

As we began to write about Chaeli and the Chaeli Campaign, Carole titled the chapter, “Acting Independently.” We agreed that “acting autonomously” might be a better reflection of the theme. After considering the research that we had about our topic, I was struck by the idea of “relational autonomy,” which better describes the concept.

Relational autonomy is primarily a concept introduced by feminist researchers, following on Carol Gilligan’s work in moral development. Relational autonomy refers to the ability to pursue one’s own chosen goals and aspirations, while recognizing that the goals we choose and the actions we take are influenced by our social and political context. Thus, the ideal of autonomy in the workplace is certainly one that plays itself out quite differently in various cultures, from those that are more or less hierarchical, individualistic, or communitarian.
关联的自治是男女平等主义者引入的一个基础性的概念,然后出现在Carol Gilligan 的道德发展的作品中。关联的自治指的是我们追求选定的目标或愿望的能力,当我们取得既定的目标时,我们所采取的行动被社会的或者政治的形式所影响。因此,自治的想法在他起作用的地方只是一个,但是在不同的文化背景下,又变得极为不同。从这里可以看出分为不同的等级,个人主义或者集体主义。

As I enthusiastically embraced this concept, Carole reminded me that, like most other characteristics, autonomy, taken to its extreme, can be pathological. So here are a few things to remember as we embrace autonomy. Consider the needs and goals of others, maintain our moral compass, tend to our own well-being, and avoid workaholic behavior as we passionately pursue our own goals and aspirations

I’ve come to believe life is always a balance, and that the balance most of us unconsciously choose is away from autonomy. That is why I think this theme is important. Harvard’s Teresa Amabile, who studies the effect of making progress toward meaningful work, has observed that autonomy—or the lack thereof—significantly impacts employee creativity. In an article titled, “Declaring Independence in the Workplace,” Amabile wrote:
我现在越来越相信生命就像天平一样,有时候一些无意间的选择似乎并不是自治。这就是我认为这个主题很重要的原因。哈佛大学的Teresa Amabile 研究做有意义的工作产生的影响,研究表明自治(或者说由于缺少)显著影响员工的创造力。Amabile的一篇文章“在工作场所宣布独立”这样写道:

“To be truly intrinsically motivated and to gain a sense of achievement when they do make progress, people need to have some say in their own work. What’s more, when employees have freedom in how to do the work, they are more creative. Two key aspects of autonomy are having the ability to make meaningful decisions in work and then feeling confident that—barring serious errors or dramatic shifts in conditions—those decisions will hold. If they often get overridden by management, people quickly lose the motivation to make any decision, which severely inhibits progress. Work gets delayed because people feel like they have to wait and ‘check in’ before they can begin or change anything.”

I think we, the people we work with, and our Six Sigma efforts deserve more relational autonomy. As professionals, managers, and leaders, we can move in that direction.

If you want to learn more about our sabbatical travels and our book-in-progress, check out our blog atwww.schwinnadventures.blogspot.com.

As always, I treasure your comments and questions. You can reach me by commenting below.


Six Sigma and More With David Schwinn
David Schwinn is a full-time professor of management at Lansing Community College and a part-time consultant in the college’s Small Business and Technology Development Center. He is also a consultant in systems and organizational development with InGenius and INTERACT Associates, and an associate of PQ Systems (www.pqsystems.com).

六西格玛和更多关于 David Schwinn 的事
David Schwinn 是美国蓝星社区学院全职的管理学教授,兼职学校的小型企业和技术发展中心顾问,同时担任systems and organizational development with InGenius and INTERACT Associates 顾问,也是PQ Systems(www.pqsystems.com) 中的一员。

Schwinn worked at Ford’s corporate quality office and worked with W. Edwards Deming beginning in the early 1980s until Deming’s death. Schwinn is a professional engineer with an MBA from Wright State University. You can reach him at support@pqsystems.com.
Schwinn工作在福特的企业质量办公室,从20世纪80年代初就和 W. Edwards Deming 一起工作,直到 Deming离去。Schwinn是一个获得莱特州立大学MBA学位的专业工程师,你可以通过 support@pqsystems.com 联系到他。


kongzheng1987 (威望:2) (山东 济宁) 电子制造 主管


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