

New menu in MINITAB Release 14.2
If you have the Six Sigma module or have customized your MINITAB menus prior to installing the Release 14.2 update, you'll notice a new menu called New in 14.2 that contains two new items. If you would prefer to move the two items to different menus within MINITAB, you can do either of the following:

Add these new menu items where you deem appropriate in your customized environment using MINITAB's customizing capabilities (Tools > Customize). We suggest adding Goodness-of-Fit Test for Poisson to Stat > Basic Statistics, and Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test to Stat > Tables.

Reset the menus to the original configuration using MINITAB's customizing capabilities (Tools > Customize), clicking the Menu tab, and clicking Reset.
Caution: This will restore the original menu configurations, and the new menu items will be added to their appropriate menus automatically.
If you do not have the Six Sigma module or have not customized your MINITAB menus, the new items will be added to their appropriate menus automatically.

The following enhancements and design changes have been made to MINITAB 14.2:
Users may now edit strings, delete rows or columns, and assign different fonts to header and body text in legends and tables in graphs. For example, users can remove statistics from tables in a capability analysis graph.

The ability to drag and edit Pie Chart slice labels is now available.

Two new graph file formats, GIF (a raster format) and enhanced metafile (a vector format), have been added.

The Chi Square Goodness of Fit – Single Categorical Variable feature provides a way of testing whether a categorical data set follows a multinomial distribution with certain proportions.

Chi Square Goodness of Fit – Poisson Distribution functionality is now available to test whether a data set follows a Poisson distribution.

In both Gage R&R (Crossed) and Gage R&R (Nested) analyses, users may input the process tolerance and compare the tolerance with the process variation. The %Tolerance output reflects the comparison. The tolerance may be an interval value of the upper specification limit minus the lower specification limit or it may be either a lower or upper specification limit.

For the Six Sigma module Product Report, users can now pick a different percentage bound on the defects per total opportunity (DPO) in the calculations of throughput yield (YTP), defects per million opportunities (DPMO) and the short-term benchmark Z (Z.ST) when no defects are observed or when the number of defects is equal to the total opportunities.

The catalog of Factorial Designs has been expanded to include a 5-factor, 16-run design with 8 blocks.

The method for estimating the upper control limit for a multivariate Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) chart has been improved.
The following issues have been resolved in MINITAB 14.2:
Internal graphics errors occur when launching MINITAB and when creating graphs if the computer has an ATI Radeon Mobility 9000 video card and is connected to a projector.

When logged onto a computer without administrative privileges, launching MINITAB results in an error that says "Failed to update system registry."

When attempting to save a file to a location that is write-protected, the error message saying that the file has not been saved may not be noticed by the user if the Session window is not the active window.

The installation process fails with a 1720 error if a custom destination folder, that does not previously exist, is specified and it has more than one level of folders to create.

Some cases of corrupted MINITAB Project files cannot be opened without errors or missing content.

Tools > Options > General should include a checkbox to allow users to keep their preferred fonts instead of automatically substituting the user’s font selection with MINITAB’s optimal fonts based on the current Windows regional settings.

If you save a project file with one or more control charts created with multiple models (same analysis created 2 or more graphs) and the graphs were not in an updated state when the project was saved, then opening the project and updating the graphs may result in a run-time error.

Points on a control chart may be incorrectly identified as being out of control if missing values are present in the data set or if data subset criteria are used.

After editing the text characteristics of a control limit or center line label on a control chart, the label value will not be recalculated when new data are added to the column and the graph is updated.

When individual observations with no historical covariance matrix are specified for a Tsquared Chart, the correct formulas are not used for the center line and upper control limit.

If a historical mean has been specified, the calculation of the standard deviation may be incorrect for applicable control charts and capability analyses.

A General Linear Model Analysis with an inappropriate model will cause MINITAB to cease functioning if any non-default settings for residual plots have been selected in Tools > Options > Individual Graphs > Residual Plots.

For some cases, a General Linear Model analysis with multiple responses and a random factor will result in an assertion failure error.

The Response Optimizer checks the next to last value in the Factorial column instead of the last value when used with Analyze Variability.

摆渡神箭 (威望:2) (上海 静安) - 淡泊宁静自高雅


最新产品MINITAB 14.2版本发布,现可以更新MINITAB14并且给MINITAB提供最高水平的性能和有效质量。郑重推荐所有的正版MINITAB14用户都升级到MINITAB 14.2.

此次升级适用于Windows平台下的英文版MINITAB 14.1, 14.11, 14.12, 或 14.13 。当升级完成后,您的软件版本号将会变为MINITAB14.2。

此次升级不适用于MINITAB 14试用版,学生版 14,或从e-academy.com 获得的5个月或12个月租借版本的MINITAB 14,以及任何更早期版本的MINITAB.

1. 下载文件file MTB14.2patch.exe,任一选择directly或Download Manager.

如果您选择直接下载,保存文件在您的电脑MINITAB program directory.大多数的用户会指向到"C:\Program Files\Minitab 14\".

如果您使用下载管理器,选择the MINITAB program directory作为对象保存这个文件。大多数的用户会指向到"C:\Program Files\Minitab 14\".

2. 确保MTB14.2patch.exe是在您的MINITAB程序目录中。大多数用户都会指向到"C:\Program Files\Minitab 14\". 注意:确保您选择目录,但是不要选择现有的文件Mtb14.exe。包括路径文件名将导致修补的文件写在执行文件。

3. 在WINDOWS资源管理器中,双击MTB14.2patch.exe file.更新后的会话栏将出现.在屏幕上跟进说明指南。

MINITAB 14.2版新菜单
在安装14.2升级版前如果您有六西格玛模块或曾定制您的MINITAB菜单,您将会被提醒有一新菜单:New in 14.2 ,它包含2个新条款,如果您更愿意移动这2个条款到不同的MINITAB目录,您可以在以下选择中任一选:

在您认为适当的环境中使用MINITAB的定制功能 (Tools > Customize)增加这些新菜单项。我们建议增加Goodness-of-Fit Test for Poisson到Stat > Basic Statistics, Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test 到 Stat > Tables.


使用MINITAB的定制功能(Tools > Customize)重设目录到最原始状态,点击Menu栏,然后点击Reset。警告:这将恢复到最初菜单结构,并且新菜单项将自动添加到它们的菜单中。



1 .用户现在可以编辑字符串,删除行或列,在图表中分配不同字体到标题和主要内容。例如,用户可以从一个流程能力分析图的列表中删除统计数据。

  1. 现在可以拖拉并编辑饼图的切片标签。


4.The Chi Square Goodness of Fit –单一分类变量特性提供一种方法,检验一组分类数据是否服从某种比例的多项式分布。

  1. Chi Square Goodness of Fit-泊松分布功能现在可以检测一组数据是否服从泊松分配

6.在Gage R&R(交叉)和Gage R&R(相嵌)分析中,用户可以在输入过程公差,并与过程变异相比较。%Tolerance输出反映比较结果。公差可以是公差上限与公差下限的间隔值,也可以是公差上限值或公差下限值。


8.因子设计的目录已经扩大到 包括5个因子,8个区域的16次运行的设计。


下面的问题已经解决在MINITAB 14.2
1.当电脑安装了ATI Radeon Mobility 9000的视频卡且与投影仪连接时,启动MINITAB和创建图表时,会产生内部图形错误。



4. 如果自选的,且需通过多级子目录创建的文件夹事先不存在,安装过程将因1720错误而终止。


6.Tools > Options > General应当包括一个检验盒,允许用户保留他们的首选字体,而不是基于Windows当前区域设置的MINITAVB最佳字体自动取代用户的字体选择。






12.如果在Tools > Options > Individual Graphs > Residual Plots中为残差图选择任何一个非默认设置, 含有不恰当模型的通用线形模型分析将会中止MINITAB运行。



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