
第六十一篇Resolutions for Pharma Quality Assurance

本帖最后由 小编D 于 2012-8-27 15:12 编辑


本文翻译:muddy533 校稿:275641119

Resolutions for Pharma Quality Assurance

Like anyone else, when I plan for the new year, I need to set aside time for reflection and anticipation. I look back and ask, “Have I made a difference in anyone’s life?” I look forward and ask, “What do I want to change that I either have control over or can influence?” For people working in the pharmaceutical industry, these questions are not only personal but also professional.


The quality assurance professional should always have the sense of a high calling. That calling needs to go beyond being the “checker” who culls out the defects to being the applied scientist or engineer who helps to design quality into the product.


This reminds me of the dear soul who proudly showed me the bucket of discarded product that she plucked off the conveyor belt. The occasion was a plant tour to understand how this company saw the role of the quality function. The next stop on the tour was the QC lab that was backed up with samples. Analysts were randomly selecting their favorite tests to squeeze in before their next coffee break. It didn’t take long to determine that the view of the quality function at this client was anchored in… approximately the 1950s.


On the other hand, there are companies on the cutting edge of science and technology with breakthrough products that fulfill the dire need of desperately sick people. Yet, in their evolution, the very bright people who work for these organizations did not pay sufficient attention to FDA compliance.


Looking back

As I look back, I see pharmaceutical companies ranging in their quality assurance evolution from knuckles still dragging the ground to walking upright but tripping over their own feet. So there is still plenty of work to do, and the enlightened—and bold—quality professional is not short of material to make a difference.


I say “bold” for a reason. In my opinion, the single factor holding back the quality professional, and consequently the company, is lack of courage.


The economy is not to blame for everything, but working on the inside of just about any company means doing our work in an environment fraught with fear. Timidity is rampant. It is rare to find someone who has the balance of panache and guts to tell the Emperor that he is butt-naked. It is a game of not making waves, keeping your head low—and for Pete’s sake never pointing out a problem to your manager that makes him have to speak to his director. (Like that's going to happen.)


Looking forward。

My prediction is that the winnowing process will continue in our industry, and those with neutered quality assurance departments will either be acquired or rehabbed—or fail. In true Darwinian fashion, the fittest will survive to reproduce.

Regardless of the situation, I would suggest these resolutions for the quality assurance professional:


  1. I will make myself more valuable through continuing education that will make me a more enlightened quality professional. This education will include real courses from recognized institutions, not trendy certifications.
  2. 我将通过继续教育来使自己变得更有价值,继续教育将使我在质量专业方面变得更耀眼。这个教育包括从被认可的学院获得,而不是趋势证明书。

  1. 我将通过继续教育来使自己变得更有价值,继续教育将使我成为一个更有见识的质量专家。这个教育包括从被认可的学院获得的真实的课程,而不是时髦的证书而已。

  1. I will find my voice and speak up when I see unacceptable quality and regulatory compliance risks. I may need personal coaching on how to deliver negative messages, but I will not stop going up the chain of command until I am satisfied that reasonable action has been taken.
  2. 当我发现不能接受的质量及规定的符合性风险时,我将大声说出来。我可能需要个人培训来了解如何传递负面信息,但在采取合理的措施之前我是不会停止这个命令的。

  1. 当我发现不能接受的质量及规定的符合性风险时,我将大声说出来。我可能需要个人培训来了解如何传递负面信息,但在我对采取合理的措施感到满意之前,我是不会停止这个命令的。

  1. I will learn how to make the business case when I see an opportunity for improvement. As a professional who has been conditioned not to be influenced by cost, I need to learn how to develop and deliver proposals that speak in the universal language of business: money.
  2. 当我看到改进的机会时,我将学习如何做成案例。作为一个不受成本影响的专家,我需要学习开发和传递业务界充满普遍话语权的方案:钱。

  1. I will get out of my cubicle to see what others are doing to broaden my industry perspective. I will resist the notion that my daily working experience is necessarily typical of the industry.
  2. 我将走出我的小天地,来看看其他人在做什么,扩展我的行业视野。我将抵制这样的观念:我的日常工作经验是行业所必须的。

  1. 我将走出我的小天地,来看看其他人在做什么,扩展我的行业视野。我将抵制这样的观念:我的日常工作经验是行业所独有的。

  1. I will understand how my role fits into the business process cycle and will hold myself accountable for results, even if the results are bad news. This may mean developing standard cycle times and finding efficiencies to complete my part on time.
  2. 我将理解我的角色与业务过程周期的适合度并坚决对结果负责任,就算结果是负面的。这可能意味着开发标准周期的次数及寻求效率来按时完成我的角色。

  1. And my personal favorite: I will no longer prepare a useless slide deck for a management presentation on “what went wrong and recommendations” until management has supported the recommendations from the previous presentation for the same problems that went wrong. I will give myself permission to expect more out of management, especially when it comes to doing my job right.
  2. 以及我个人的喜好:我将不再为关于“哪里出问题了及建议的解决方案”的管理问题准备没用的演示材料,除非管理层支持对于同样出错的问题先前演示的建议。我将允许我自己期待更多的对管理层的偏离,尤其是证明我所做的是正确的。

  1. 以及我个人的喜好:我将不再为关于“哪里出问题了及建议的解决方案”的管理问题准备没用的演示材料,除非管理层支持对于同样出错的问题先前演示的建议。我将允许我自己期待更多的来自管理层,尤其是我正确地做好本职工作的东西。


The QA Pharm

QA Pharm, the person behind The QA Pharm blog, is an observer of the pharmaceutical industry from inside and out for more than 30 years. This individual worked at the lab bench and on the management board. If you have a passion for quality assurance and understand the relationship of current good manufacturing practices to your patients and your business, you will find a kindred spirit at The QA Pharm. The QA Pharm blog is straight talk about quality assurance in the pharmaceutical industry. Not the technical aspects as much as the challenges faced by company management and their internal quality assurance professionals—sometimes side-by-side and often toe-to-toe.


小编D (威望:9) (广东 广州) 互联网 员工 - 记住该记住的,忘记改忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不...



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