
第五十三篇 A Quality Management Look into Santa’s Workshop

本帖最后由 小编D 于 2012-6-12 14:20 编辑

本文翻译:muddy533 校稿:ccsspp454

A Quality Management Look into Santa’s Workshop

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the shop Santa’s quality manager feared that all production would stop. The FMEA showed high risk, nonconformances were a fright. But Santa knew better—his QMS would help on this magical night.
圣诞节的前夜,所有圣诞老人的工厂的质量经理担心的事情是所有的生产将会停工。失效模式与后果分析显示了很高的风险, 不合格品令人吃惊。但圣诞老人知道没那么坏——他的质量管理体系将帮助他渡过这神秘的一夜。

I really enjoy the holiday season. I love the change in season, the holiday specials, the gifts, all of it. Most of all, I love the Santa Claus concept. Here is a man, a jolly old elf if you will, who single-handedly delivers the world’s presents in a single night. Furthermore, he and his elves manufacture nearly $250 billion in merchandise every year. This must be some operation.

Clearly, Santa has some high-tech systems in place to bring the presents to the children of the world. Let’s look at what Santa is running in his quality management system (QMS):

  1. Document control, linked to product data management: Santa has to have a document control system in place. Here you have millions and millions of letters being sent every year that need to be cataloged, identified, and added to the production list. Each product item that comes into the list needs to have a unique identifier and keywords based on type of toy. Document control systems provide the centralized location for storing documents based on product and customer (or kid), and then can build each request in a product list. Product data management helps to take the requests and build a bill of materials for each customer.
  2. 文件控制,链接到产品数据管理:圣诞老人必须有一个文件控制系统。在这里,你每年有几百亿的信件需要分类、识别后发送出去,并添加到产品清单。每一个列入清单的产品项目需要一个基于玩具类型的唯一的识别号和关键词。文件控制系统为基于产品和顾客(或孩子)的文件存贮提供了集中的位置,并且将每一项要求列入产品清单。产品数据管理有助于为每一个顾客建立处理要求和材料清单。

Furthermore, Santa’s Naughty or Nice lists need to be housed somewhere, and probably have a revision control number somewhere in the 300s. Every year Santa needs to update his lists, then check them twice. Document control systems have the work-flow and business rules to route documents to the appropriate individuals in a predefined schedule. So Santa can check the list two, three, or 100 times—redundancy checking protocols can be built into the system through document control.

  1. Audit management: While we’re on the subject of Naughty or Nice, let’s look into how Santa determines how to update his lists. My guess is he’s got a top-notch audit management system. Throughout the year, Santa can schedule audits in the system, and be notified when it’s time to audit a process or region—say the eastern seaboard. He can then run through an automated checklist on his computer or even his iPad (yes, Santa totally is an Apple guy), and update the Naughty or Nice lists. Audit management tools also provide the ability to trigger events based on audit findings. So, Santa is able to automatically update his lists based on an audit finding, or automatically add another kid to the “Coal Distribution Queue.”
  2. 审核管理:当我们面对不良品或者良好产品的时,让我们看看圣诞老人是怎样确定如何更新清单的。我猜测他有一个顶级的审核管理系统。在整个一年内,圣诞老人能够在系统中计划其审核,并且当某一个过程或地区——如东部海岸需要审核的时候,圣诞老人会得到通知。然后他就能用他的电脑甚至是ipad(圣诞老人是个苹果控)自动生成检查清单,并且更新不良或者良好的清单。审核管理工具根据审核发现提供引发事件的能力。所以,圣诞老人能够根据审核发现自动更新清单或者自动将其他孩子加入“煤分发队列”。

  1. Training management: Based on current market-demand estimates and the growing human population, Santa’s workshop is growing by at least 20 percent each quarter. So, it’s safe to say he’s hiring. Elves looking to work in Santa’s workshop must undergo an extensive and ever-changing training program. Each elf must be well-trained in multiple products, and be able to operate various types of machinery. Organizing and maintaining a training schedule like this is impossible without an integrated training system. Using training management tools, Santa would be able to update training records with every change to product versions or new-product introduction, and each employee would be automatically notified when new training is due. This training can be linked directly to the North Pole Document Control (NPDC) system, and elves can update their training records automatically, before you can say “hot cocoa.” Each elf would then be trained and knowledgeable in the areas within his requirements group in real time, providing a seamless training program.
  2. 培训管理:基于当前市场需求评估和人口的增长,圣诞老人的工厂以每季度至少20%的速率增长。所以,毫不保守的说他要雇人。想要进入圣诞老人的工厂工作的精灵们必须接受大量和多变的培训课程。每一个精灵必须接受多种产品的培训,并且能够操作各种各样的机器。如果没有一个完整的培训体系,组织并保持一个像这样的培训日程表是不可能的。采用培训管理工具,圣诞老人就能够根据产品版本的每一个变化或新产品导入来更新培训计划,并且在新培训开始,每一个员工都会自动得到通知。这个培训能直接链接到北极文件控制系统(NPDC),然后精灵们就能自动更新他们的培训记录了,在你说“热可可”之前。此后,每一个区域内的精灵在他们所要求的群组内的实时得到需要的知识的培训,提供一个无缝的培训计划。


  1. Complaint handling and corrective action: Seriously Who would ever complain to Santa That seems like a one-way trip to the Naughty list, if you ask me. Nevertheless, Santa needs a method to track and measure post-market feedback (or post-magic )feedback)。Toys that might have broken, perhaps a few cosmetic errors, maybe the occasional “shooting your eye out” with a Red Ryder carbine-action, 200-shot Range Model air rifle with a compass in the stock and a thing which tells time. Complaint-handling systems help to take this valuable information and issue corrective actions based on the severity and risk of the event. I would imagine most kids are happy not to have coal in their stockings, but having an integrated complaint-handling system is a handy piece of technology, especially when you have millions of products and billions of consumers in your market.
  2. 投诉处理和纠正措施:不是开玩笑吧?谁会投诉圣诞老人?如果你问我的话,那好像是一条单向通往不良清单的道路。圣诞老人需要一个方法来追踪并衡量售后反馈(或者说售后魔力反馈)。那些可能已经损坏的玩具,也许只是一些包装的错误,也可能是偶尔出现的带一个指南针或者报时的东西的200发模型空气来福枪的瞄准器超出视力范围。投诉处理系统有助于根据事件的风险和严重性程度来获取有价值的信息并采取纠正措施。我可以想象到大部分孩子会因为他们的长筒袜里面没有煤而高兴,然而拥有一个整合的抱怨处理系统是一项很便利的技术,特别是当你的市场中有几千万上亿的产品和顾客的时候。

So, that covers Santa’s procedural QMS. Without some of these dedicated tools, I seriously doubt he would be able to deliver presents on time and within acceptable quality parameters. Now we will look into what quality management tools Santa might be using on the workshop floor, and discuss some of the logistics of one of the most intricate and incomprehensible delivery systems in the world.

Santa’s operation must be huge. He has to produce the latest and greatest toys and gadgets for the masses, and must have a production facility that can accommodate all types of manufacturing processes. To say it’s a big facility is probably an understatement. It’s a massive operation, so it’s even more important to ensure the QMS is top notch:

  1. Design quality/FMEA: Let’s take a leap and assume that Santa has access to all the product design files of the major manufacturers. We won’t ask where he got them, and we will turn a blind eye to trademark or patent infringement for the moment. He must ensure that quality is built into his products, from design to production. Using quality management tools such as failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), Santa can look at the product design, determine potential failure modes, and take steps to mitigate risks in the product. FMEA is a critical tool used by many organizations to help identify and prepare for any potential risks in design, and account for them in a proactive method. Santa is no different, except he has a bit of Christmas magic on his side….
  2. 设计质量/故障模式和影响分析(FMEA):让我们转移一下话题,假设圣诞老人拥有主要制造商所有的产品设计文件。我们不问他在哪儿得到它们的,也不去管商标和专利侵权的问题。他一定确保质量是建立在自己的产品上,从设计到产品。使用诸如故障模式和后果分析(FMEA)之类的质量管理工具,圣诞老人能够看到产品设计,确定潜在的故障模式,并采取措施减轻产品中的风险。故障模式和后果分析(FMEA)是很多组织用于帮助识别并准备设计中存在的任何潜在风险,用预防的方式来解决这些风险的一项关键工具。圣诞老人没有什么特别的,他不过是拥有一些神奇的圣诞礼物。


  1. Monitoring and inspection: When your main market is impressionable little children, you want to make sure your product not only matches the design, but also that it is the highest quality possible. Santa’s workshop has an extensive inspection team that reviews each lot that comes off the line and provides an in-depth inspection. Recording this inspection data can be extremely difficult by hand, which is why Santa uses an integrated inspection system linked to the QMS. Rather than lumber about in a manual inspection system, Santa’s system incorporates real-time tracking with his enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, and when product lots are found to fail an inspection, the data are imported into the QMS. Once in the system, failed products must be handled quickly and efficiently.
  2. 监控和检查:如果你的主要市场是敏感的小孩儿,你要确保你的产品不仅符合设计,还要尽可能保证最高的质量。圣诞老人的工厂有一个广泛的检查团队,他们会检查生产线上出来的每批产品,并进行彻底的检查。手工记录这些检查数据将会异乎寻常的困难,这是为什么圣诞老人为何将检查系统整合进了质量管理体系中原因。圣诞老人的系统整合了ERP系统进行实时跟踪的而不是用手工进行笨拙的操作,当某批产品发现不合格,这些数据会导入ERP质量管理体系中。一旦进入了质量管理体系,不合格的产品将会得到快速有效的处理。

  1. Nonconformance management: Santa’s biggest concern is meeting customer demand while eliminating any defects along the way. Furthermore, Santa does not want to waste materials in the process. Linking into Santa’s top-notch (probably German) ERP system is his nonconformance (NCM) tracking system. Once a product lot is put on hold, the NCM system is integrated to the ERP system and inherits the product data, inspection data, and all relevant information. The elves then get to work on processing the nonconformance, sending the record to a material review board, and determining a disposition type—i.e., scrap, rework, reuse. Once determined, the NCM system notifies the ERP system of the status of the lot, and production can resume, without wasting any materials while meeting the demands of the consumer. Santa’s system is designed to operate efficiently and eliminate as much double-entry as possible, which is why he uses best-in-class integrated NCM and inspection tools.
  2. 不合格品管理:圣诞老人公司最大的关注点是通过降低缺陷来满足顾客要求。此外,圣诞老人不希望在过程中浪费材料。圣诞老人的不合格品跟踪系统链接到了他顶级的ERP系统中。一旦某批产品被管控,不合格(NCM)系统就整合到ERP系统中并记录产品数据、检查数据及与之相关的所有信息。然后精灵们就会投入到处理不合格的过程中,将记录发送到材料审核委员会,并确定处理方式,如报废、返工,重新使用等。一旦确定,不合格(NCM)系统将会提示ERP系统该批次的状态,在不浪费材料及满足顾客要求的情况下,产品能继续使用。圣诞老人的系统被设计成运行有效,并尽可能减少二次输入,这就是他为何采用了最佳的整合不合格(NCM)及检查工具。

  1. Distribution: OK, it’s not really quality’s “job” to push the product out the door and down the chimney, but there are some quality-related considerations. Certainly there would need to be a special team of elves (perhaps the Elf Bureau of Investigation) that performs on-site inspections of the “drop zones”—checking the houses and ensuring the proper quality standards are met—prior to Santa’s arrival. I imagine it would look something like this:
  2. 配送:好了,将产品送出门并发送至各个烟囱就不是真正的质量“工作”了,但是这里有一些关于质量方面的考虑。确切的是,需要一组特殊的精灵团队(也许是精灵参观团)来履行发放区的现场检查工作——检查屋子并确保符合适当的标准——在圣诞老人到来之前。我想象的是应该是这样的一些事情:

So, Santa’s operation is an impressive one. He has a reputable “brand” and needs to protect it by providing the highest quality products possible. One way to ensure high quality is to implement the necessary tools that are important to any organization. Quality management systems help to manage and track the activities associated with any organization’s operations, and technology has provided the platform to ensure quality is acceptable even for Santa’s exacting standards.

As you settle in for a long winter’s night, remember that Santa is providing quality products to all, and all in one night!
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muddy533 (威望:0) (黑龙 哈尔滨) 机械制造 员工



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