
第二十六篇 Why Statisticians Model Data

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本文由liphking 翻译 spear校稿

Why Statisticians Model Data
How this intrinsic behavior helps build process knowledge

by Lynne B. Hare

What follows is an apology. Not an apology as in "I’m sorry," but an apology as a justification or explanation.

You might be thinking it shouldn’t be necessary to explain why statisticians model data. It is just their nature. Why do dogs sniff bushes? Why do cats rub up against legs? Why do bears … well, you get the idea.

The statistician’s behavior may have been learned and then embedded during graduate school and throughout his or her subsequent career—you’ll get no argument from me there. But it is not nearly as mindless or knee-jerk as you might think.

There are at least two main reasons for data modeling behavior. The more obvious is to learn about variables or factors that influence responses of interest.

Take as examples the decay of active drug ingredients and the efficacy of certain surfactants in body washes. In the first example, the goal is to learn the effects of time, storage conditions and packaging materials on stability.

In the second, the goal is to determine which surfactants, acting along or in combination and at various proportions of the mix, will be responsible for the greatest efficacy.

Neither of these goals can be met without modeling data. Both goals are important to the businesses involved, and no one is better positioned to meet them than statisticians.

But a second reason for data modeling behavior is as important as the first, and it is applicable to all types of processes. A key element of process improvement is the quantification of process capability. I’m not talking about your father’s Cp or Cpk, but rather about getting down to the inherent, intrinsic variation due to the interface between equipment and raw materials in manufacturing or due to common causes of variation in the service sector.
但是,给数据建模的第二个原因跟第一个同样重要, 并且他适用于各种各样的过程。 过程改进的一个关键要素是量化过程的能力。我跟你说的不是老一辈的那些Cp或者Cpk,而是深入的探究内在的固有的变异,这些变异源于制造过程中设备和原材料的配合或者服务领域的变异的一般原因。

Modeling can help strip away most—if not all—of the assignable causes, leaving a residual variation that represents capability. After capability is estimated, anything that departs from it should be met with intolerance because it gets in the way of performance at its best.

Modeling benefits

Here is an example that does both. It points to potential causal relationships, and it whittles down the total variation to unveil the inherent, intrinsic variation.

There is an inline homogenization device—with multiple input and output streams—which mixes ingredients (homogeneously) into hand cream. Some really capable engineers have gotten hold of it as evidenced by its ability to output the amount passed through the streams in millisecond intervals. That’s fast, and it is tempting to turn this monster on and see what it does.

But a statistical red flag goes up: Do we really need data in millisecond intervals, and wouldn’t they be highly correlated if we had them? That is, wouldn’t high amounts be followed by other high amounts, and wouldn’t lows be followed by lows?

A local engineer mentioned the reporting interval could be scaled back to one second. As a result, a one-second interval was chosen instead of the default interval, even though the same kind of correlation, called autocorrelation,1 would be expected (although to a lesser extent

Throwing caution to the wind, we started the homogenizer and let it run until an expert said it had reached equilibrium. I’m not sure what that means, but he had a wrench in his hand, so I didn’t ask. We let it run for a little more than 10 minutes, output the homogenizer’s data into a laptop and plotted the data2 in a simple run chart, as shown in Figure 1.

It seems pretty clear that the amounts delivered by the homogenizer are not stable over time. For example, look at the final group of observations beginning at about the 475th observation. Why are they so much more scattered than the earlier observations? We don’t know, of course, but clearly something happened. An increase in variation such as that could not have happened by chance alone.

If we had failed to plot the data and instead had taken them on blind faith (heaven forbid), we would have calculated a standard deviation of 3.02. Eliminating the observations beyond the 475th brings the standard deviation down to 2.14. That’s a considerable step toward getting to the inherent, intrinsic variation. We could eliminate other segments of the data as well, but the more we do that, the more we risk making arbitrary decisions.

Autoregressive model

Digging a little deeper, we can examine the autocorrelations representing the data up to observation 475. The correlogram is shown in Figure 2. Notice a few high peaks at the early lags, then a damping oscillation. For those in the know about time-series modeling, that is a tipoff about the kind of modeling that should be done.

The message is that we should look at a model of the form:
Xt = c0 + c1Xt– 1 + c2Xt– 2 + … + εt
in which:
• Xt is the predicted value at time t.

• Xt - 1, Xt - 2 … are observed values at times t - 1, t - 2, and so on.
Xt - 1, Xt - 2 …是在时间t - 1, t - 2,的观测值,以此类推

• c0 is a constant representing the mean of the series.

• c1, c2, … are coefficients estimated from the data.
c1, c2, … 是依据数据估计出来的系数

• εt is the error at time t (the difference between the observed and the predicted values

This is called an autoregressive model because it regresses observations on their predecessors. When the model is fit to the data, the autoregressive coefficients up to and including the fourth order (lag) are found to be statistically significant while those above that order are not as shown in Table 1.
这被称为自回归模型,因为它返回观测值到它前任上。当这个模型拟合数据时,自回归系数直到(含)第四个(lag 4)时间段是统计显著的,上面的那些数据没有在表1中显示出来。

The suggestion is that the homogenizer’s "memory" lasts about four seconds. That information gives rise to the question, "What part of the process upstream of the homogenizer might cause such memory?" Is there a pump with a pulse of about four seconds? A mixer with four components to it? We don’t know, but we have some clues to fuel detective work.

Another key finding from this time-series modeling effort is that the residual standard deviation is 1.90. This estimate of inherent, intrinsic capability is down from the passive, initial estimate of 3.02 and the reduced estimate stemming from elimination of observations following an obvious process change. It points to an opportunity for improvement of a process initially thought to be stable.
在这个时间序列建模成果中,另一个关键的发现是标准残差为1.90。 这个内在固有能力的估计是从最初消极的估计值3.02减少后得到的,这个估计的减少是因为删除了伴随着明显的过程变化的观测值。这指出了一个改进开始被认为是稳定的过程的机会。

The point is that modeling helps identify causality, determine underlying process capability or both. Any way you look at it, it builds process knowledge.

And that’s what will make you smarter than your average bear.


  1. To calculate an autocorrelation, write down the output numbers in one column, then rewrite them in a second column, but shifted down one row, leaving a blank in the first row of the second column. If you calculate the correlation coefficient of the numbers in the first and second column, ignoring blanks, you will have the autocorrelation of lag 1. Do it again, but move the new column down two rows, and you will have an autocorrelation of lag 2. You can continue this for many lags, assuming your data set is long enough. If you plot the value of the correlation on the y axis against the lag on the x axis, you have a corellogram.
  2. 计算一个自相关,在一列中写下输出结果,然后在第二列中重复写入同样的数据,只是向下移动一行,把第二列的第一行留空。如果你计算一二列数字的相关系数,忽略留空的格子,你将得到时间段1的自相关。以此类推,新的一列要向下移动2行,你能得到第二个时间段的自相关,你可以继续这样做很多个时间段,只要你的数据足够长。如果你以这些相关的数值为y坐标,以时间间隔为x坐标描点作图,就能得到一个相关图。

  1. Refer to Lynne B. Hare’s first law of data analysis: "Always, always, always, without exception plot the data—and look at the plot." But you know that already.
2、参考Lynne B. Hare的数据分析第一原则:“永远,永远,永远绘制没有任何异常的数据图——并且观察这个图”。而你已经知道这一点了。
Thanks to JMP for use of its software and Keith Eberhardt and Mark Vandeven for careful reading and tactfully placed suggestions.
鸣谢JMP提供的软件;鸣谢Keith Eberhardt和Mark Vandeven的仔细阅读和巧妙的建议。

Lynne B. Hare is a statistical consultant. He holds a doctorate in statistics from Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ. Hare is past chairman of the ASQ Statistics Division and a fellow of both ASQ and the American Statistical Association.
Lynne B. Hare是一个统计咨询师。他在新泽西州新宾士威克大学获得统计学博士学位。Hare是ASQ统计分部的前主席,也是ASQ和美国统计学会的成员。
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小编D (威望:9) (广东 广州) 互联网 员工 - 记住该记住的,忘记改忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不...


本文由liphking 翻译 spear校稿

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