
【翻译】第三十八篇 Master Black Belt Certification

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本篇文章由yzz提供 Master Black Belt Certification
Body of Knowledge
Multiple-ChoiceSection – 100 Questions – 2½ hours
The topics in this Body of Knowledge (BOK)include descriptive details (subtext) that will be used by the Exam DevelopmentCommittee as guidelines for writing test questions. This subtext is alsodesigned to help candidates prepare for the exam by identifying specificcontent within each topic that may be tested. The subtext is not intended tolimit the subject matter or be all-inclusive of what might be covered in anexam but is intended to clarify how the topics relate to a Master Black Belt’srole. The descriptor in parentheses at the end of each entry refers to themaximum cognitive level at which the topic will be tested. A completedescription of cognitive levels is provided at the end of this document.

I. Enterprise-wide Planning and Deployment A. _Strategic plan development_ B. Describe strategic planning tools and methods (hoshinkanri, SWOT, PEST, etc.) and their utilization in developing enterpriseplanning. (Apply) C. _Strategic plan alignment _ 1. Strategic deployment goals 2. Describe how to develop strategic deployment goals.(Apply) 3. Project alignment with strategic plan 4. Describe how to align projects to the organizationalstrategic plan. (Apply) 5. Project alignment with business objectives 6. Describe how projects are aligned with businessobjectives. (Apply) D. _Deployment of six sigma systems_ E. Describe the following key deployment elements. (Apply) 1. Governance (quality councils or process leadership teams) 2. Assessment (maturity models and organizational readiness) 3. Resource planning (identify candidates andcosts/benefits) 4. Resource development (train and coach) 5. Execution (deliver on project results) 6. Measure and improve the system (drive improvement intothe systems, multiphase planning) F. _Six sigma methodologies_ G. Demonstrate an advanced understanding of the followingmethodologies, including their associated tools and techniques. (Apply) 1. DMAIC 2. DFSS 3. Lean 4. Business systems and process management H. _Opportunities for improvement_ 1. Project identification 2. Facilitate working sessions to identify new projectopportunities that can be prioritized. (Apply) 3. Project qualification 4. Determine the elements of a well-defined project (i.e.,business case), the process for approving these projects, and tools used inproject definition (QFD, process maps, value stream maps, FMEA, CTx (criticalto … customer, … design, … quality), etc. (Apply) 5. Stakeholder engagement 6. Describe to how to engage stakeholders. (Apply) 7. Intervention techniques 8. Describe techniques for intervening across levels toprevent potential project failures to drive success. (Apply) 9. Creativity and innovation tools 10. Use these tools to develop concept alternatives. (Apply)
I. _Risk analysis of projects and the pipeline_ 1. Risk management 2. Use risk management and analysis tools to analyzeorganizational elements, to appraise portfolios and critical projects, and toidentify potential problem areas. (Evaluate) 3. Pipeline creation 4. Create, manage and prioritize a pipeline of potentialprojects for consideration. (Create) 5. Pipeline management 6. Create a selection process that provides a portfolio ofactive six sigma opportunities that are clearly aligned and prioritized tomeet/exceed strategic goals. (Create)
J. _Organizational design_ 1. Systems thinking 2. Apply systems thinking to anticipate the effect thatcomponents of a system can have on other subsystems and adjacent systems.Analyze the impact of actions taken in one area of the organization and howthose actions can affect other areas or the customer, and use appropriate toolsto prevent unintended consequences. (Analyze) 3. Organizational maturity and culture 4. Describe the implications these factors can have on six sigmaimplementation, including potential barriers. (Understand) 5. Organizational culture change techniques 6. Describe techniques for changing an organizationalculture, such as rewards and recognition, team competiveness, communications ofprogram successes, and appropriate cascading of goals throughout theorganization. (Apply)
K. _Organizational commitment_ 1. Techniques to gain commitment 2. Describe how to gain commitment from the organization’sleadership for the six sigma effort. (Understand) 3. Necessary organizational structure fordeployment 4. Develop the inherent organizational structure needed forsuccessful deployment. (Apply) 5. Communications with management 6. Describe elements of effective communications withmanagement regarding organizational benefits, failures, and lessons learned.(Apply) 7. Change management 8. Describe the MBB role in change management and applyvarious techniques to overcome barriers to successful organizationaldeployment. (Apply)
L. _Organizational finance and businessperformance metrics_ 1. Financial measures 2. Define and use financial measures, including revenuegrowth, market share, margin, cost of quality (COQ), net present value (NPV),return on investment (ROI), cost-benefit analysis, activity-based cost analysisand breakeven time performance etc. (Analyze) 3. Business performance measures 4. Describe various business performance measures, includingbalanced scorecard, key performance indicators (KPIs), and the financial impactof customer loyalty; and describe how they used for project selection, deployment,and management. (Analyze) 5. Project cash flow 6. Develop a project cash flow stream. Describe the relationof time to cash flow and difficulties in forecasting cash flow. (Analyze) 7. Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act 8. Understand the requirements for financial controls dictatedby SOX. (Understand)

II. Cross-functional Competencies A. _Data gathering_ B. Assess the appropriate collection of Voice of theCustomer and Voice of the Process data, both internal and external, and developa customer-focused strategy for capturing and assessing customer feedback on aregular basis. (Evaluate) C. _Internal organizational challenges_ 1. Organizational dynamics 2. Use knowledge of human and organizational dynamics toenhance project success and align cultural objectives with organizationalobjectives. (Apply) 3. Intervention styles 4. Use appropriate intervention, communications, andinfluence styles, and adapt those styles to specific situations (i.e.,situational leadership (Apply) 5. Interdepartmental conflicts 6. Address and resolve potential situations which couldcause the program or a project to under-perform. (Apply) D. _Executive and team leadership roles_ 1. Executive leadership roles 2. Describe the roles and responsibilities of executiveleaders in the deployment of six sigma in terms of providing resources,managing change, communicating ideas, etc. (Analyze) 3. Leadership for deployment 4. Create action plans to support optimal functioning ofmaster black belts, black belts, green belts, champions, and other participantsin the deployment effort. Design, coordinate, and participate in deploymentactivities, and ensure that project leaders and teams have the requiredknowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes to support the organization’s sixsigma program. (Create)

III. Project Management A. P_roject execution_ 1. Cross-functional project assessment 2. Appraise interrelated projects for scope overlap andrefinement and identify opportunities for leveraging concomitant projects.Identify and participate in the implementation of multi-disciplinary redesignand improvement projects. (Analyze) 3. Executive and mid-level managementengagement 4. Formulate the positioning of multiple projects in termsof providing strategic advice to top management and affected mid-levelmanagers. (Create) 5. Project prioritization 6. Prioritize projects in terms of their criticality to theorganization. (Apply) B. _Project oversight and management_ 1. Project management principles 2. Oversee critical projects and evaluate them in terms oftheir scope, goals, time, cost, quality, human resources requirements,communications needs, and risks. Identify and balance competing project demandswith regard to prioritization, project resources, customer requirements, etc.(Evaluate) 3. Measurement 4. Support and review the development of an overallmeasurement methodology to record the progress and ongoing status of projectsand their overall impact on the organization. (Evaluate) 5. Monitoring 6. Apply appropriate monitoring and control methodologies toensure that consistent methods are used in tracking tasks and milestones.(Apply) 7. Project status communication 8. Develop and maintain communication techniques that willkeep critical stakeholders and communities apprised of project status, results,and accountability. (Create) 9. Supply/Demand management 10. Generate accurate project supply/demand projections,associated resource requirements analysis, and mitigate any issues. (Create) 11. Corrective action 12. Facilitate corrective actions and responses to customersabout the corrective action and its impact. (Apply) C. _Project management infrastructure_ 1. Governance methods and tools 2. Develop governance documents, tracking tools, and othermethodologies that will support project success. (Create) 3. Performance measurement 4. Design a system for measuring project and portfolioperformance. (Create) D. _Project financial tools_ 1. Budgets and forecasts 2. Assess and explain budget implications, forecasting,measurement, monitoring, risk analysis, and prioritization for portfolio levelprojects. (Evaluate) 3. Costing concepts 4. Define the concepts of hard and soft dollars and use costof poor quality tools, activity-based costing, and other methods to assess andprioritize portfolios. (Apply)

IV. Training Design and Delivery (10Questions) A. _Training needs analysis_ B. Assess the current level of knowledge and skills in eachtarget group in relation to the skills and abilities that are needed. Conduct agap analysis to determine the training needs for each target group. (Evaluate) C. _Training plans_ D. Design training plans to close the knowledge and skillsgaps. Refine the plans based on the number of people needing to be trained in aparticular technique or skill, and whether multi-disciplinary or multi-levelcompetency training is appropriate. (Create) E. _Training materials and curriculumdevelopment_ 1. Adult learning theory 2. Evaluate and select training materials and resources thatadhere to adult learning theories. (Analyze) 3. Integration 4. Ensure that the training harmonizes and leverages othertools and approaches being used and that it is aligned with the organization’sstrategic objectives and culture. (Evaluate) 5. Training delivery 6. Monitor and measure training to ensure that it isdelivered effectively and efficiently by qualified individuals. (Apply) F. _Training effectiveness evaluation_ G. Develop an evaluation plan to assess and verify theacquisition of required knowledge and skills. (Create)

V. Mentoring Responsibilities A. _Mentoring champions, change agents, andexecutives_ 1. Project reviews 2. Collaborate with executives and champions on reviewingprojects, including timing, questions to ask, and setting expectations forproject timing and completion. (Create) 3. Project sizing 4. Collaborate with executives and champions on sizingprojects and selecting individuals and assignments for various projects.(Evaluate) 5. Communications 6. Coach executives and champions on the need for constancyof purpose and message, and the importance of using clear communicationtechniques and consistent messages. (Evaluate) 7. Feedback 8. Use constructive techniques to provide feedback tochampions and executives. (Evaluate) B. _Mentoring black belts and green belts_ 1. Individuals 2. Develop a career progression ladder for black belts andgreen belts. Assess their progress and provide constructive feedback to enablethem to work effectively on team projects. Use coaching, mentoring, andintervention skills as needed, including cancelling or reassigning projects ifnecessary. (Evaluate) 3. Technical reviews 4. Create guidelines and expectations for project reviews,and perform them in a timely manner. Assist project leaders in selectingappropriate content for presentation to management. (Create) 5. Team facilitation and meeting management 6. Practice and teach meeting control, analyze teamperformance at various stages of team development, and support appropriateinterventions for overcoming team challenges, including floundering, reviewingand diagnosing failing projects, etc. (Create) C. _Mentoring non-belt employees _ D. Develop information that will help non-belt projectparticipants to advance their understanding of six sigma and develop the necessaryskills and knowledge to become green belts or black belts. (Create)

VI. Advanced Measurement Methods and Tools? A. _Measurement systems analysis (MSA)_ 1. Propagation of errors 2. Use this technique to evaluate measurement systems andcalculated values. (Evaluate) 3. Attribute (discrete) measurement systems 4. Use various tools and methods (e.g., percent agreement,Kappa, Kendall, intra-class 5. correlation coefficient (ICC) to analyze and interpretdiscrete measurement systems data. 6. (Evaluate) 7. Variables (continuous) measurement systems 8. Use various tools and methods (e.g.,_- R,__ - s, _individual and moving range) to analyze and interpretcontinuous measurement systems data. (Evaluate) 9. Process capability for non-normal data 10. Calculate capability using Weibull and other methods fornon-normal data. (Apply) B. _Measuring and modeling relationshipsbetween variables_ 1. Autocorrelation and forecasting 2. Identify autocorrelated data, including time-seriesmodeling (e.g., ARIMA) and forecasting. (Understand) 3. Multiple regression analysis 4. Apply and interpret multiple regression analysis,including using variance inflation factors (VIFs) to identify collinearityissues. (Apply) 5. Logistic regression analysis 6. Apply and interpret logistic regression analysis,including binary, ordinal, and nominal data considerations. (Apply) 7. Model fitting for non-linear parameters 8. Apply and interpret fits of models that are non-linear.(Apply) 9. General linear models (GLM) 10. Apply and interpret GLMs using assumptions andassumptions testing. Compare and contrast GLMs with various other models,including ANOVA results, (crossed, nested, and mixed models) simple linearregression, multiple regression, ANCOVA and continuous MSA. (Apply) 11. Components of variation 12. Select, calculate, and interpret components of variationand nested design studies. (Evaluate) 13. Simulation 14. Apply simulation tools such as Monte Carlo, dynamicprocess simulation, queuing theory, etc. (Apply) 15. Linear programming 16. Understand how linear programming principles, such ascritical path analysis, can be used in modeling diverse types of problems(e.g., planning, routing, scheduling, assignment, design) to optimize systemperformance. (Understand) 17. Reliability modeling 18. Use reliability modeling and tools to enhance reliabilityof a product or process and reliability growth modeling. (Apply) 19. Qualitative analysis 20. Use appropriate qualitative analysis tools (affinitydiagrams, force field analysis, etc.) and analyze the results. (Analyze) C. _Design of experiments (DOE)_ 1. Factor analysis 2. Apply and interpret factor relationship diagrams. (Apply) 3. Complex blocking structures 4. Recognize other designs for handling more complexblocking structures, including balanced incomplete block design (BIBD(Understand) 5. Other DOE approaches 6. Recognize when other DOE approaches (e.g., responsesurface methodology (RSM), mixture experiments, evolutionary operations (EVOP),split-plot designs, Taguchi, D-optimal designs, etc.) should be applied.(Understand) D. _Automated process control (APC) andstatistical process control (SPC)_ E. Recognize when to use APC instead of or in conjunctionwith SPC. (Understand)
Topics forPerformance-based Section of Certified Master Black Belt (MBB) Essay Responsesin Two Phases — 2½ hours
Candidates will bepresented with a fictional multi-division organization that is reviewingmultiple six sigma projects of various sizes. Each proposed project will be ledby individual black belts and their teams. Candidates will have 2 hours towrite their response to opened-ended questions about these projects. Detailswill be presented in two sets of documents: Phase 1 will be Day 0 and willfocus on project selection. Phase 2 will be presented as if 6-8 weeks have goneby since the start of the projects.
_At the start of theperformance-based portion of the exam, candidates will be given 10 minutes tofamiliarize themselves with the background information and proposed projects.Candidates can then allocate their time on the two phases as they like.__
_Phase 1 — Candidateswill be asked to prioritize projects and explain their reasoning in terms ofproject value and order. Responses will be scored on elements such as therationale used for ranking the projects in a specific order, the content ofpresentations created in support of those choices, communications with staff atvarious levels in relation to those selections, etc., as outlined in theperformance-based BOK descriptions below.
Phase 2 — Candidateswill be given updated information on each project and asked to respond to thoseconditions. Responses will be scored on elements such as analysis or evaluationof the projects based on their updates, insights on the cause of the problemsand creative solutions, time and resource management, interpersonal skills forconflict resolution, and other skills required of high-level, multi-projectleaders, as outlined in the performance-based BOK descriptions below.
PB-1. Enterprise-widePlanning and Deployment
Apply projectselection criteria to select and prioritize potential six sigma projects usingstrategic planning tools, immediate- and long-term business goals,executive-level directives, risk analysis results, etc. Develop and deliverformal presentations that support the project selection process, identifyprogress, explain its status at conclusion, etc.
PB-2. Cross-functionalCompetencies
Use feedback andprocess data from various sources to identify or develop six sigma projectsthat will respond to customer needs, eliminate process barriers, or streamlineprocesses, especially for managing projects that cross boundaries either withinor between organizations. Use appropriate communication methods that aresensitive to specific audiences when explaining projects or solutions,encouraging participation, or resolving issues that arise betweeninterorganizational groups
PB-3. ProjectManagement
Develop and managethe scope, schedule, cost, and risk of six sigma projects using various projectmanagement tools to ensure proper monitoring, milestone achievement, andproject success. Recognize when intervention steps must be taken to bring aproject back on track or terminate it based on analysis of internal or externalevents.
PB-4. Training andMentoring
Identify situationsthat require training or mentoring for all levels of participants in six sigmaprojects, from executive level champions to non-belt participants. Develop,review, and deliver information, training, or mentoring as needed for a varietyof six sigma projects, based on needs analysis, participant requests, orrecognition of situations that require intervention.

Levels of Cognitionbased on Bloom’s Taxonomy – Revised (2001)
In addition to content specifics, thesubtext for each topic in this BOK also indicates the intended complexity level of the testquestions for that topic. These levels are based on “Levels of Cognition” (fromBloom’s Taxonomy – Revised, 2001) and are presented below in rank order, fromleast complex to most complex.
Remember Recall or recognizeterms, definitions, facts, ideas, materials, patterns, sequences, methods,principles, etc.Understand Read and understanddescriptions, communications, reports, tables, diagrams, directions,regulations, etc.ApplyKnow when and how touse ideas, procedures, methods, formulas, principles, theories, etc. Analyze Break downinformation into its constituent parts and recognize their relationship to oneanother and how they are organized; identify sublevel factors or salient datafrom a complex scenario.Evaluate Make judgments aboutthe value of proposed ideas, solutions, etc., by comparing the proposal tospecific criteria or standards.Create Put parts or elementstogether in such a way as to reveal a pattern or structure not clearly therebefore; identify which data or information from a complex set is appropriate toexamine further or from which supported conclusions can be drawn.


凌丹_sta (威望:46) (江西 南昌) 汽车制造相关 经理


I handle this ,due time Sep. 15

pls send the file to my e-mail.

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