
tipical case of DFSS -3

Measuring the Elephant
Measuring who recalls the story of the blind men measuring an elephant can appreciate the grief GEMS would have been in for if such an enormous, complex undertaking had been run along the old, pre- Six Sigma lines of random, hit-or-miss approaches to problem solving. The outcome might have been as distorted as the descriptions given by the blind men measuring the elephant—to one, the elephant seemed ”very much like a snake. GEMS might well have grabbed hold f the elephant—but it never would have been able to figure out the elephant’ full dimensions.

to be continued

novasol (威望:0) - yesgu


to have their scanner ready in time for the 1998 lunch,GEMS would have to go away out on a limb.In the Analyze phase of six sigma, they got a pretty good idea of the odds against them. The performance valiable they were striving to achieve required what Viverk Paul, the general manager of GEMS' CT businessm, would later describe as a "auantum leap" in thechnology.
Because GEMS was already best in class. But the benchmark they wanted to establish for the new scanner was for the tomorrow' best in class scanner.
The Improvement phase in GE' high -stakes race against time was fraust with diffiulties. The most important components in LightSpeed, as reported in The New York Times,were the tubes that focus the X rays and the detectors, which converts them into pictures after the radiation travels through the patient's body. Both of these components had been identified as the things on which the Breakthrough Strategy had to focus.
The tubes in service on the GEMS scanner now on the market cost 59000 dollars to replace. Given that, customer wanted a much longer life span than the current tubes were capabali\e of - at least twelve hours a day, for six months was the major customer critical-to-quality target.The operating life of the urrent tubes was only half that.Moreover, GEMS was scapping"some 20 million in tubes each year. beacause they failed preshipping performance tests. and the even with such preshipping performance tests, a good many scanners arrived at hospitals"DOA"- dead on arrival , to use GE' nomenclature. so another key to producing a lower-coat,more dependerable scanner was to improve the manufacturing variable.

to be continued

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