
转帖] The Politics Of Accelerated Stress Testing

The Politics Of Accelerated Stress Testing

_Edmond L. Kyser, Eugene R. Hnatek, and Mark H. Roettgering
Compaq Computer Corporation
Enterprise Computing Group - Tandem Business Unit
Cupertino, California_


Edmond L. Kyser is Principal Member of the Technical Staff for the Tandem Division of Compaq, where he has technical responsibility for Accelerated Stress Testing. He holds eight US patents and has published 12 articles, nine on Accelerated Stress Testing. His Ph.D. is from UC Berkeley in Applied Mechanics.

Eugene R. Hnatek is director of the Tandem Product Evaluation Center where he is involved in complete hardware product assurance activities from early design through first customer ship. In this regard, he is intimately involved with HALT and ESS processes. Prior to this assignment he was component Engineering Manager at Tandem. He is a recognized authority on integrated circuit quality and reliability having published 11 books on the topic.

Mark H. Roettgering is a Senior Member of the Technical Staff for the Tandem Division of Compaq, where he serves as a program manager and as an internal consultant on strategic and operational issues. Prior to this assignment, he worked on fault-tolerant system design and hardware quality assurance at Tandem. Mark holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from UC Davis and an M.S. in Engineering Economic Systems & Operations Research from Stanford.

The technical literature and various technical conferences delve into the myriad details of the ESS process, the ESS profiles to be used for testing, the required equipment characteristics, etc. Most everything that can be written about the virtues of ESS and the inherent technical details has been written.

We contend that it is not the technical aspects of ESS that dominate decision-making: The real issues, for most companies, are of a political nature. ESS implementations become political when the functional organizations that bear the short-term costs of ESS do not get credit for the long-term benefits. Various factions within most large corporations rise to the surface to question processes like ESS from a self-serving viewpoint. Justifying the need for continuing with ESS eats up a lot of time in meetings, evaluating databases and developing position presentations. In this paper we discuss these commonly encountered political issues, provide a process for resolution of these issues, and conclude with recommendations for corporate ESS management.
Environmental Stress Screen (ESS), Net Present Value, Uncertainty, Decision-Making.

Today’s fast time to market and concern with low price may be taking our focus off quality and reliability. Frank Burge of Electronic Engineering Times in his September 27, 1999 editorial put it this way. “In a world where price is king, are we painting ourselves into a corner—a corner where design quality gives way to price or time, eliminating steps in the design verification/test process or choosing suppliers strictly on price? Are we back to making the numbers at any cost?”

!(http://www.reliantlabs.com/ima ... e1.gif)
_Figure 1: Product Flow for AST Programs__!(http://www.reliantlabs.com/images/testing/line.gif)_

The decision whether or not to perform ESS on a specific product is a typical example of the quality vs. cost problem with which many companies struggle, including our own. One of the problems in being able to make a decision based on data is the fact that very little real data (whether from current or equivalent products) is available to determine the value of ESS. Typically at stake are millions of dollars in investment capital, thousands of square feet of manufacturing floor space, tens of person years, and the reputation for quality and possibly the profitability of the corporation. A typical product flow diagram for Accelerated Stress Test (AST) processes is shown in Figure 1. Many separate stakeholders of the corporation are involved in this complex process, the core of which is manufacturing ESS: Product Development, Manufacturing, Field Service, Engineering Services, Sustaining Engineering and Information Services. Figure 2 illustrates a common hierarchy of these groups, each of which typically has its own agenda and point of view. Traditional guidelines, established product requirements documents, and

!(http://www.reliantlabs.com/ima ... e2.gif)
_Figure 2: Generic Corporate Reporting Structure__!(http://www.reliantlabs.com/images/testing/line.gif)_

standard procedures may not be sufficient or appropriate. Benchmarking is difficult. Evangelizers for specific approaches to increasing reliability are quick to offer their services and opinions, often at loggerheads with one another. Industry standards are rare and often ambiguous. Perhaps most significantly, the benefits (and the associated costs) realized from the program do not accrue proportionately to the functional units that bear the costs.

The goal of an ongoing AST program, such as implementation of manufacturing ESS, is to make cost effective improvements in the field reliability of the hardware being tested. Figure 3 shows a normalized field failure distribution for five recent Tandem products, all of which undergo 100% manufacturing ESS.
!(http://www.reliantlabs.com/ima ... e3.gif)
_Figure 3: Field Data - Part Replacement Rate__!(http://www.reliantlabs.com/images/testing/line.gif)_

!(http://www.reliantlabs.com/ima ... e4.gif)
_Figure 4a: ESS Support_

!(http://www.reliantlabs.com/ima ... 4b.gif)
_Figure 4b: ESS Opposition __!(http://www.reliantlabs.com/images/testing/line.gif)_

All of the products represented in Figure 3 show the same pattern of a high initial return rate that decreases more or less asymptotically to a stable return rate in about two years. This is a classic characteristic of products that are most likely to benefit from an ESS program.

During a recent IEEE workshop on Accelerated Stress Testing, we conducted a survey of attitudes towards AST to determine if there was a ‘common experience’ among industry practitioners that could be leveraged as the science evolves. The issue was defined as “Within your company, where do you see support for or opposition to ESS, and why?” The organizational results are summarized in Figures 4a and 4b. The respondents’ reasons behind the support and opposition are shown in the Tables 1a and 1b.

As the comments in the tables indicate, many of the reasons given are similar and can therefore be combined. The resulting ‘grouped’ categories of opposition and support are shown in Tables 2a and 2b. In cases where the reasons appeared to be ambiguous, require other processes to be considered, or deal with educational or organizational issues, the category ‘out of scope’ was used. ‘Out of scope’ does not imply that the reasons are invalid, just that they will not be addressed in detail in this paper.

Table 1a: Reasons for Supporting ESS



Stated Reason




Increased reliability / quality

Hard to measure - hard to quantify benefits - compare to n



Sales advantage / customer satisfaction

Same as a, but more difficult to quantify



Reduce field service costs

Equivalent to a



Reduce DOA / Early life fails

Equivalent to a



Identify failure modes

Benefits seen only by redesigning to avoid failure modes



Better Product

Equivalent to a



Reduced field returns

Equivalent to a



More efficient than run-in

Weibull analysis can help determine this



Identify process failures

Equivalent to a + e



Improve yields
Equivalent to e

Table 1b: Reasons for Opposing ESS



Stated Reason




Additional cost

Virtually all opposition is cost based - Easier to measure than benefits



Outside of Component specs, design limits

Equivalent to n



Additional WIP Time

Additional step assumes all else equal - part of k



Decreases manufacturing yields

Easy to measure, easy to quantify. Compare to a



Afraid of damaging good product

See comments on a - effect on reliability is uncertain



Seen as critical of known good process

‘Known good’ implies improved reliability is of no benefit or screen is no good



Don’t understand process

Education issue



Difficult test to run / diagnose failures

Part of k + t



Additional handling problem

Equivalent to k + m



Repair costs
Part of k, s

run-in more efficientSee h

Doesn’t believe in benefitsSee a

As Tables 2a and 2b indicate, we are left with two potential sources of benefit, and a large bucket containing several
cost factors: additional time, reduced manufacturing yields, test costs, and repair costs. The fear of product damage will be handled explicitly as part of the question of improved reliability.

Table 2a: Revised Reasons for ESS Support (Benefits)



Stated Reason




Increased reliability / quality

Hard to measure - hard to quantify benefits - compare to n



Sales advantage / customer satisfaction

Same as a, but more difficult to quantify



Out of scope

Table 2b: Revised Reasons for ESS Opposition (Costs)



Stated Reason




Additional cost

Virtually all opposition is cost based - Easier to measure than benefits



Decreases manufacturing yields

Easy to measure, easy to quantify. Compare to a



Additional Time

Additional step assumes all else equal - part of k


Afraid of product damageSee comments on a - effect on reliability is uncertain

Out of scope

The survey results we have been discussing represent the opinions of 32 individuals from 22 corporations active in ESS. One of the most striking results is that the same issues, or organizations, appear in BOTH the positive and negative columns. Obviously, there are strong differences of opinion, and a lack of mutually acceptable (accurate and meaningful) data on which to base decisions. This is equivalent to stating that there is a high degree of uncertainty about many important aspects of a manufacturing ESS program. Without a structured methodology in place to address this uncertainty, a common ground within the corporation may never be found.

We maintain that what is needed is a common metric of success that accommodates all of the above ‘reasons’ – since all are valid in the opinion holder’s frame of reference. How is one to ‘net out’ all the above positives and negatives? The problem can be formulated as follows:

!(http://www.reliantlabs.com/ima ... os.gif)

We propose that the metric of success is the dollar, and the method of ‘netting out’ the positives and negatives is to discount all cash flows to net present value and calculate a net present cost. Rather than taking a ‘best guess’ at exact amounts of the costs and benefits, all uncertainty should be explicitly stated so that conflicting opinions about possible outcomes can be addressed simultaneously. This process is detailed in the following section.

A review of the pluses and minuses of ESS raised by the practicing community quickly reveals the major source of organizational problems that arise in an ESS implementation. The majority of the costs are easily identified and can be quantified with a high degree of accuracy. The manufacturing organization bears essentially all costs - using many common manufacturing metrics (end-to-end yield, inventory turns, WIP days, etc.) ESS is a negative. On the other hand, the benefits, while identifiable, possess the following characteristics. They are highly uncertain, difficult to quantify with any degree of accuracy, difficult to measure, require an explicit value statement by management, and are not immediately realized. The benefits are realized by the corporation as a whole, essentially through downstream cost-avoidance (lower field service and warranty costs) and through increased sales (product reputation).

It can be said that the problem with ESS acceptance is that it is high in both organizational and technical complexity. Technical complexity arises from the large number of strategic and operational decisions and processes that need to be in place for an ESS program to function in an efficient manner. Organizational complexity is inherent when...

Costs and benefits are realized by different groups.
Uncertainty allows a variety of advocates and opponents to champion opinions without fear of refutation by data.
There is a lack of strong cross-functional leadership from management.

Unfortunately, management attempts to solve problems of this nature by attacking the “people problem” first, through team-building, facilitation, consensus-building, etc. Despite these well-intentioned tactics, the underlying technical complexity invariably remains, and with it, the conflict. What is needed is a framework in which to solve the technical complexity first. Through creating a technically accurate and compelling business model, organizational disagreements can be addressed in a methodical and rigorous manner. Arguments like “Doesn’t believe the benefits” can be addressed by explicitly addressing which parts of the model are inconsistent with the beliefs of the opponent. Consequently, if the model is agreed to, and the inputs are agreed to, the resulting ‘netted-out’ cost or benefit of ESS should stand on its own, leaving nebulous and ambiguous arguments without legs.

We propose a normative decision model as the best method for solving the technical complexities of ESS. In this framework, we must first clearly identify what exactly we are modeling. Stated here:

_“What is the net present value of all future product costs for a unit which is to undergo ESS subtracted from the net present value of all future product costs for a unit which will not undergo ESS?” We call this quantity Net Present Savings or NPS. _

The NPS we compute is a marginal savings on a per-unit basis. This eliminates the requirement to consider facility and capacity issues. We also assume that all other manufacturing processes remain the same: we do not explicitly consider the potential benefit of reduced run-in times here, although the framework allows for it. One last assumption is that we are discussing a particular ESS screen for a particular product: the selection or modification of screen parameters to maximize NPS is not performed here, although we have used the methodology to do parameter optimization at Tandem/Compaq. The model and theoretical results discussed in the following analysis were built using Analytica® analysis software from Lumina Decision Systems.

The influence diagram of Figure 5 illustrates the factors that have been included in our model. Based on the factors identified in the ESS survey, we will model seven uncertain – or random – variables (single ovals), and

!(http://www.reliantlabs.com/ima ... e5.gif)

_Figure 5: Influence Diagram __!(http://www.reliantlabs.com/images/testing/line.gif)_

Table 3: Model Variables and their Descrīptions

Variable Name




Cost of Inventory%/weekIncludes Depreciation and liquidity effectsLognormal(0.5, 1.5)
Test Failure Repair CostNP$Material and Labor costs for debug and repairLognormal(1500, 1.5)
Time to Repair Test FailureWeeksWIP timeLognormal(6, 1.5)
Replacement Cost of Field FailureFuture$Material and Labor (warranty costs)Lognormal(H/2, 1.25)
MTBF of Unscreened UnitYearsMean Time Before FailureLognormal(5, 1.5)
Impact of ESS on MTBF%Factor by which ESS improves unit MTBFNormal(20%, 15%)
Operational CostsNP$Variable cost only (no fixed costs)Lognormal(50, 1.5)
Whole Product CostNP$Used to calculate inventory, depreciation, and replacement costs5000
ESS Yield-Probability of passing ESS screen90%
IBP for Field FailureFuture$2000
Cost of Capital%/yearTime vs. money discount rate15%
Cost of Test FailuresNP$Total cost of fail, debug, repair cycle((1/J)-1)(B+H(((1+A)^C)-1))
Total Field Failure CostFuture$Includes direct and indirect costsD+K
MTBF of Screened UnitYearsSee E.E(1+F)
Total CostNP$Total additional cost of ESSN+G(1/J)
Total BenefitNP$Total downstream benefit per unit derived from ESS(P/(1+M)^R)-(P/(1+M)^E
NPSNP$Per Unit Net Present SavingsW-TNP$ is Net Present Dollars. Future$ is dollars not discounted to present value.
Lognormal(x, y) is a distribution with mean x, and geometric standard deviation y. The range contains about 68% of the probability mass.

four constant variables (trapezoids). Double ovals indicate deterministic variables (those that are known exactly once the inputs are known). A summary of the model variables is given in Table 3. Values are representative of our experience with a broad range of CPU products.

We use the lognormal distribution to express the uncertainty in almost all random variables included in this model. The lognormal has a sharp lower bound of zero and is positively skewed. For most cost and time parameters, these characteristics are highly desirable.

‘Field Failure Cost’ is one of the more difficult parameters in the model for most corporations to assess. We have broken it into two parts based on the results of the conference survey discussed above: Replacement cost, or warranty cost, and reputation cost. Replacement cost can be assessed directly through careful consideration of all contributing costs, but reputation cost (re-buy, word-of-mouth, etc.) may best be derived by discussing the Indifferent Buying Price (IBP) of a field failure. Suppose there were a wizard who was able to perform the following feat: Moments before a field failure is about to occur, the wizard calls the CEO of your company and offers to allow you to secretly swap out the failing unit before the failure takes place – for a price.

<FONT face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>The CEO’s IBP for the field failure is the price at which she is indifferent between paying the wizard or not: the CEO would pay any lower price (in addition to the replacement cost), but would refuse to pay any more. Although IBP for field failures may be different for the same product depending on customer and application differences, a well thought out value for the IBP will be equivalent to the ‘reputation cost’ of a failure. Both replacement and reputation costs are valued at the time in the future at which the failure takes place.

With this groundwork in place, our model simply computes the ‘Total Benefit’ per unit for performing ESS as the difference between the present value of the total failure cost of a screened unit vs. an unscreened one.

Figure 6 displays the results of the model discussed above. The expected value of NPS is $180/unit: a good return on a $50 test. The cumulative distribution of NPS contains much more information, however. Indeed there is a 30% chance that this generic ESS program will lose money on a per unit basis. On the other hand, there is just as likely a chance that a net benefit of more than $325 per unit will be realized.

!(http://www.reliantlabs.com/ima ... E6.gif)
_Figure 6: Probabilistic Model Output

__!(http://www.reliantlabs.com/ima ... E7.gif)
_Figure 7: Sensitivity of NPS to Variations in Screen Yield

!(http://www.reliantlabs.com/ima ... E8.gif)
_Figure 8: Sensitivity of NPS to Yield and IBP

Any dispute with the conclusion that the hypothetical ESS program represented by this model and corresponding parameters is a ‘good bet’, should be stated in the context of the model or its parameters rather than with more abstract terms. A ‘good bet’ is a deal with an uncertain but positive expected outcome. By encoding differing points of view in the form of parametric uncertainty, and incorporating all stakeholders concerns into the model structure, discussions are moved from the political realm into the technical one.

Although this is a generic example, it is useful to demonstrate how insights may be gained through further analysis. One such analysis may be to address the following concern: “What if the screen yield required to achieve a 20% improvement in MTBF is either higher or lower than 90%?”

Figure 7 shows the mean (average, or expected, value) NPS as a function of screen yield. As can be seen, any screen parameter set with a yield higher than 83% would be considered valuable. Similarly, the effect of IBP on the value of our generic ESS program can be investigated graphically in Figure 8. For a yield of 90%, the program would still have a mean value of $60 per unit even if the reputation cost (IBP) of a failure were valued at $0.

Finally, it is enlightening to examine the degree to which the uncertainty in the input variables contributes to the variation in the output variable, NPS. Table 4 lists the absolute rank-order correlation between NPS and the listed uncertain inputs. This analysis indicates that (as expected) the greatest opportunity to reduce uncertainty in the value of this hypothetical ESS program is to refine the ‘Impact of ESS on MTBF’ estimate.

Conversely, expenditures of effort on refining any of the bottom four variables in the table will do little to reduce the uncertainty in the estimate of per unit NPS.

Table 4: Input Variable Importance


Impact of ESS on MTBF0.871Replacement Cost of Field Failure0.337Test Failure Repair Cost0.211MTBF of Unscreened Unit0.086Time to Repair Test Failure0.040Operational Costs0.013Cost of Inventory0.001

When an ESS program is initiated, there must be decisions made in the face of many uncertainties. As the program progresses, real data becomes available, and the initial probability estimates can be replaced by real numbers. In this section, we show some of the manufacturing and field data collected at Tandem division of Compaq relating to our ESS program, and answer some of the issues raised earlier.

One roadblock to ESS is usually stated as follows: “We can’t afford the yield loss in manufacturing caused by ESS”. Translation: “We need to ship every unit we build in order to make our revenue target. We can’t worry about reliability at this point. ESS yields cost us money, both in shippable units (lost revenue) and reworked or scrapped PWAs”. Let’s look at two examples of the yield of CPU PWAs subjected to manufacturing ESS. Figure 9 is a composite bar chart showing combined manufacturing ESS yields for five different CPU products. Note that the ESS yield remains essentially constant. As process and component problems were solved, new problems emerged and were addressed. In this case, given the complexity of the products, 100% ESS was

!(http://www.reliantlabs.com/ima ... e9.gif)
_Figure 9: PWA ESS Yields_

!(http://www.reliantlabs.com/ima ... 10.gif)
_Figure 10: Manufacturing Yield by PWA type for 3Q97_

required for the entire life of each product. Figure 10 shows a breakout detail of the products included in last bar of Figure 9, and adds Post-ESS yields for each of the five. This chart shows the value of conducting ESS in production and the potential impact of loss in system test or the field if ESS was not conducted. Notice the high ESS yield of mature PWAs (PWAs #1-#3) but the low ESS yield of new boards (PWAs #4 and #5). The benefit of ESS for new products is evident here. Note particularly that the Post-ESS yields for both mature and immature products are equivalent, indicating that ESS is finding the latent defects. Nonetheless, the value of ESS must be constantly evaluated. At some point in time when yield is stable and high, it may make sense to discontinue its use for that PWA/product.

The ideal data set would allow the creation of a ‘failure rate vs. time’ plot, or hazard function, for a split population of screened and unscreened product. Unfortunately, this type of data is never available until several months or even years have elapsed. Figure 11 displays one real-world example. It took careful data mining of over five years of run-time and of more than 2000 total field installations to produce this information for a Compaq CPU server product. If this data were known ahead of time, ESS implementation decisions would have been simple: Screen yields would be known (92%), and so would the effect of the screen on the MTBF of shipped product (14%). Assuming all other model parameters discussed earlier apply to the product producing this field data, the cumulative distribution in Figure 12 reflects the value of its ESS program. The expected value is $110, with only a 20% chance of being negative.

!(http://www.reliantlabs.com/ima ... 11.gif)
_Figure 11: __Failure Rate vs. Time for Split Population_

!(http://www.reliantlabs.com/ima ... 12.gif)
_Figure 12: Calculated NPS using Value Model and Field Data_

The amazing thing about this field data when applied back into the model is that our screening decision and our expected value remain virtually the same. The main benefit we gained through the gathering of field data is that our uncertainty about the true vale of NPS has been reduced. The 10%-90% range has shrunk from to . Considering that five years after data gathering began, the product is long past end-of-life. The reason a structured framework for dealing with this uncertainty about the future is so valuable is that it allows corporations to make the best decision possible – at the time the decision needs to be made.

Decisions relating to Environmental Stress Screening involve political aspects within a corporation to far greater a degree than almost any other manufacturing process. A correct decision on whether to perform ESS or not on a particular product requires a measure of success (metric) that is acceptable to all of the different corporate stakeholders. We suggest that Net Present Value of all associated costs and benefits is the metric of choice.

In addition to a robust cost-benefit model, the nature of ESS requires that there be a strong ‘company champion’ for ESS at a high level who can adjudicate the inevitable disagreements, focus on corporate goals, and provide direction for the discipline. However, the champion needs to remember that the goal of ESS is not “reliability at any price”, but rather “reliability at the right price”.

<FONT face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>Finally, since ESS decisions assisted by a model of NPS will be based on probabilities estimated before actual data exists, yield and failure data must be obtained to verify the initial probabilistic estimates. The resulting data should be used to improve screening de

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