
Summary of 5W1H

Working as a Quality Engineer for nearly three years, I confronted some tough situations or issues which I never met before, surely I was beautifully defeated and embarrassed by them. Though painful at the beginning, conformable and confident later on. And I have to say that I really benefited a lot from the difficulties and the people I met. I found out 5W1H is the basic tool of thought both in our daily life and work.
What=> This is the firs step you define the target and scope, which will limit and determine the direction.
what do you want? Can you define and describe it more specifically and clearly so that it is almost in you hand? Before taking any action, you’d better make it clear! Or else you will not make any progress in the following steps.
Why => Without persuading and convincing yourself, whom can you look to? Reasons are necessary!
When=> Make a schedule for any project, though there are unpredictable changes! Push the projects forwards step by step. Another thing to mention is grab the chance! Do right things at right time!
Where=>Observing places and accessions often be ignored, to some extent they will determine what strategies to take and how to behave in accordance with the occasion.
Who => People plays an important role in achieving the goal, therefore their efficiency, ability, habit and disposition of must be taken into consideration. Excellent ones are important, but right ones more.
How=> Here strategy, methods and sources are necessary. It requires us to think over how to achieve the goal with the material within limited time and carry out all the best and most suitable strategies and methods individually or simultaneously.
A lot of people know it and use it to some extent in their lives and works, I have been using the 5W1H for a long time too, and I believe that writing down the experience and feeling of mine is a good method to consolidate what I learned.

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  • 发布时间: 2011-06-10 21:49
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