
Small talk about new labor law

I wrote it. But it isn't saved.I am very boring.
Those days,I helped my wife to find a new job. I read the new labor law.I find some problem about it.
In the law,there is a clause. When the contract date is full. The enterprise won't sign contract with the employee.The enterprise should pay the employee some money. But the enterprise will sign contract with the employee in same or high level condition.And the employee won't sign the contract again.The enterprise need not pay anything.So I think the same condition is not clear.
For example, my wife company,it is a taiwanese company. The boss is the stingyest one in taiwanese bosses. Furthermore the guy is a law-blinded.He always says I don't care it when you advise him about labor law and corresponding regulations. In the company, many employees quit everyday because the contract date is full. For those employees,they are happy to leave the fucking company even though they don't get any more money. And the company always keep the employees with some shameless ways such as holding the annual awards and postponeing the payment date. In another words,the boss never considers promoteing salary of employees when the contract date is full. But the cost of living is raising fast. For a simple example,we could buy a bottle of oil with 35Yuan last year.But same time this year,I should pay 70Yuan to buy it. While the salary is same, what do you think the condition is same. If you refuse to sign it. Of course you will get nothing.
Sometime the employees have to quit the company because there is no a promising future. So i think a promotion procedure of salary should be released as well. Sometime, the gorverment should pay attention the enterprise carrying out it. It is important. Otherwise, we can't take any advantage.

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  • 发布时间: 2007-12-27 16:13
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