
Managing Six Sigma Change Resistance

Managing Six Sigma Change Resistance

作者: Richard Bellanca
译者: guest01

A critical component of any successful Six Sigma project is to overcome resistance to change. The reason: Without user acceptance, any process improvement is doomed to fail. Therefore, proper anticipation and understanding the approaches to various resistance tactics is essential to success. People resist change in the workplace in many ways, but among the more common examples are to:
很多成功的6sigma项目都有一个重要的因素:那就是战胜变革中的阻力.因为一旦客户(此处指内部客户----译者注)不接受,那么所有的改善都注定要失败,所以,适当预测及理解不同阻力的来源是成功的首要条件. 人们在工作场所以多种方式阻止变革 , 但主要还是以下几种:
· Ignore the new process
· Fail to completely or accurately comprehend
· Disagree with the validity of benefits
· Criticize tools or software applications
· Grant exceptions
· Delay the implementation
· 漠视新的程序
· 不能完全或精确理解
· 认为没有用处
· 责难工具或软件的应用
· 允许例外
· 拖延实施
Here are several approaches that can be used to counter these occurrences.
Ignore the new process
Those who react this way to change simply believe the new process will go away if no one uses it. There is validity to this approach. Any process change will certainly fail if it is not indoctrinated into business behavior. It is imperative for the process champion to provide examples that the process is ingrained with other existing business processes.
Make the process impossible to ignore. This can be accomplished by tying the success of the process to personal training plans, annual review, and other well-established business processes.
Fail to completely or accurately comprehend

Proper training is critical for ensuring people adapt to a new process, especially when they have become accustomed and experienced in another process. Specifically, try using:
1. Clarifying communication: Examples include newsletters, email, and brown-bag lunches.
2. One-on-one training: Some absorb change better in a smaller setting, this allows them to ask questions and gain acceptance at their pace.
3. Checklists/cheat-sheets: These offer helpful advice and guidance to those who may be unclear about the process. The tools can be small enough to place as a postcard next to the PC or located on the Intranet as a quick reference.
1. 澄清沟通:包括信件,电子邮件,一个简短的午餐
2. 一对一的培训:这样有利于一些人更好的理解变更的程序,他们可以问问题并慢慢接受.
3. 列一个清单:可以给不太清楚的人一些帮助和指引,例如用便贴纸贴在PC上或建在内部网上以便能很快找到.
Disagree with the validity of benefits
The validity of the change can be strengthened by recommendations from independent sources. Evidence that other companies or departments have been successful with similar efforts can assist in gaining acceptance. It becomes difficult to argue against change when there is a proven track record in place by others. Before rolling out the new process, do your research and be prepared to cite examples of success stories.
Criticize tools or software applications
Another common point of resistance is to cite the inflexibility with the software tool or application that supports the process. Ensuring that there is a feedback loop for tool enhancements is important. This allows for user suggestions and continuous improvements. It provides a level of participation and input when the changes that are recommended. A sense of ownership and contribution becomes apparent. This does not necessitate that all recommendations be implemented but it does allow for win-win scenarios to develop.
另一个通常的阻力来自于人们对所用工具及软件应用的顽固性,因此,对于新程序中的工具改进,必须有一个反馈系统来接收用户的建议并持续的改良.也为新的变革提供了参与的机会, 使人们有一种主人公的感觉及成就感. 当然并不是所有的建议都会实施, 但是能达成双赢发展的局面.
Grant exceptions
Allowing exceptions to the change in process typically is a way to ensure failure. This has the potential to spiral out of control as others attempt to be granted the same exceptions. Worse yet, others will attempt to expand exceptions. Soon the process is left dangling as an exception; in essence the exceptions become the process.
Additionally, once exceptions are granted, many business case assumptions are thrown into disarray. In most instances the business case assumptions are based on full usage of the process improvement, not exceptions. Once exceptions are allowed less than 100 percent benefit potential is realized.
在变革的过程中,一个典型的导致失败的因素是允许例外.这将引发局面的失控因为其他人也想允许同样的例外, 并将例外的范围扩大化, 这时候程序开始向例外摆动, 最后例外不再是’例外’, 例外成了程序.
总之,一旦例外被允许,所有事先的商业设定都回陷于混乱. 大多数情况下,这些商业设定是基于全部遵循的原则上的,没有例外.一旦允许例外就无法100%实现事先的赢利计划.
Delay the implementation
Others attempt to delay the implementation with suggestions that this is not the right time for change. Honestly, there is never a right time for change. There will always be internal and external factors that will have competing influence with the process improvement.
If the process improvement truly has business benefits, the sooner the implementation is established the sooner business value can be realized.
一些人会试图拖延执行变革并且说现在时机未到.老实说,变革从来就没有合适的时机. 改进的过程中总会有各种内外因素在较劲.

Here are a few other ideas to help blunt resistance to change.
1. If your organization is going through a great deal of change, acknowledge the fact. Change is a constant in most organizations and many times its instigation is not the choice of management. Changes can be caused by employee and management turnover, changes in market conditions or economic fluctuations.
2. Keeping people informed about upcoming change is critical. This avoids the surprise and fear that arises from uncertainty. A formal communication plan should be created that includes the message, frequency of the message, audience and feedback. Vary the message vehicle; don't just send emails, present to small groups and larger groups, use newsletters and other available forms of communication.
3. It is essential to ensure people that the change process is well planned, and that a variety of contingencies have been thought through.
1. 如果你的组织将有一个大的变革,要了解这个事实. 变革是必须的,而往往不是管理层所能选择的. 变革的导致原因可以是员工或管理层的人员调整,或是市场状况的改变,或经济的波动.
2. 必须使人们清楚的认识到即将到来的变革,避免引起惊慌.要有一个正式的沟通计划,包括信息,发送信息的频度,接收者及其反馈.使用各种不同的信息工具,不只是发电子邮件,要向各个群体或更大的组织做演示. 使用信件或其他各种有效的沟通方式.
3. 要使人们相信这个变更已经过良好的计划,所有预期的变化都已经被考虑到了.
This article may provide insight into change resistance, but the best way to address the issue is to be ready with ways to counter it in your Six Sigma project - because it will be there.

About The Author
Richard Bellanca is employed at Bank of America. He has a BS in accounting from St. John Fisher College, an MBA from Syracuse University and more than 12 years experience in the financial services industry. His email address is richard.bellanca#bankofamerica.com.
Richard Bellanca现就职于美国银行.毕业于St. John Fisher College大学会计系, Syracuse University大学MBA, 具有金融服务业12年的工作经验.(不过文章写的一般,应该逊过O大师---译者注)

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