

Argument and Discussion
A: I think that's your nonsense. That's beside the points.
B: How dare you say that? I worked it out after much calculation.
A: Let's calm down and try to find a good way.
  • 我認爲那是胡扯。你離題太遠了。
  • 你怎麽能說這樣的話,我是經過慎重考慮才提出這個觀點的。
  • 大家都冷靜一下,設法想個更好的解決辦法。

A: I just taught him a lesson. Nothing more.
B: I think you've carried it out too far. You're to blame.
A: Maybe it's my fault.
  • 我只是給了他一個教訓,沒別的。
  • 我認爲你做的太過分了,該受到責備。
  • 也許是我錯了吧。

A: The whole play is a flop.
B: For your conclusion, you don't have a leg to stand on.
A: Why do you say that?
B: At least Rose deserves our praise.
  • 整個劇是個失敗。
  • 你的結論沒有任何根據。
  • 爲什麽這麽說?
  • 至少羅斯值得表揚。

A: I think we should begin our tour with the Great Bell Temple.
  We can save a lot of time.
B: And the temple is very famous in China. I'll take you up on that.
A: Well, I think we'll gather at 8 right there.
  • 我認爲我們應該先參觀大鍾寺。這樣可以節省不少時間。
  • 而且這個寺廟在中國非常有名。我接受你的建議。
  • 那麽我們八點在那裏集合吧。

A: Don't argue aimlessly. Let's sit down and talk things over.
B: I think a loan is a must to solve the problem.
A: But I think we can raise money by ourselves.
B: That'd be wonderful if we can.
  • 別漫無邊際地爭論了。我們坐下來討論一下吧。
  • 我認爲要想解決這個問題必須貸款。
  • 但是我認爲我們可以自己籌款。
  • 如果能籌到的話那最好了。

A: I think I'm at odds with you over the supplying plan.
B: But it's been already approved by the boss.
A: Then I'll have to talk to him right away.
  • 我想在供應計劃問題上我們有分歧。
  • 可老闆已經批准了。
  • 那麽我得馬上和他談談。

A: I'm going to run for monitor of the class this term.
B: But I don't think you stand very much of a chance.
A: I'll try my best.
  • 這學期我想競選班長。
  • 但我認爲你成功的希望不大。
  • 我將竭盡全力。

A: We can follow their suits. That's all.
B: Wait a minute. We must weigh the pros and cons before we make a decision.
C: I agree with you. It must be discussed carefully.
  • 他們怎麽做我們就怎麽做。
  • 等等。我們一定要平衡得失再做決定。
  • 我同意你的意見,我們必須認真討論討論。

A: They say Russian is very difficult to learn.
B: But I think it's as easy as shelling peas(原義:剝豌豆).
A: Can you give me some suggestions?
B: Sure.
  • 人們說俄語很難學。
  • 但是我覺得沒什麽。
  • 給我點建議好嗎?
  • 沒問題。

A: It's difficult for me to remember all the lines.
B: Yet I can do it blindfold.
A: Don't talk big any more.
  • 記住所有臺詞對我來說太難了。
  • 我閉著眼睛都能做到。
  • 別說大話了。

A: I think I can never hope to learn to dance.
B: But dancing is as easy as falling off a log.
A: Maybe I'm too slow.
  • 我想我永遠也學不會跳舞了。
  • 很容易嘛!
  • 也許我太笨了吧。

A: How are you getting on with your project?
B: Very well. It's all plain sailing.
A: But you should also be very careful about it.
  • 你的專案進展怎麽樣?
  • 很好,非常容易。
  • 但你也應該小心仔細些。

A: Do you like your boss?
B: No, he's a hard nut to crack.
A: Why?
B: He's too strict with his employees.
  • 你喜歡你的老闆嗎?
  • 不,他很難對付。
  • 爲什麽?
  • 他對雇員太嚴格了。

A: We were assigned the task yesterday.
B: Is it easy?
A: By no means. It's a tall order.
  • 昨天我們被分配給這項任務。
  • 好做嗎?
  • 一點也不容易,簡直難透了。

A: They say Russian is very difficult to learn.
B: But I think it's as easy as shelling peas(原義:剝豌豆).
A: Can you give me some suggestions?
B: Sure.
  • 人們說俄語很難學。
  • 但是我覺得沒什麽。
  • 給我點建議好嗎?
  • 沒問題。

A: It's difficult for me to remember all the lines.
B: Yet I can do it blindfold.
A: Don't talk big any more.
  • 記住所有臺詞對我來說太難了。
  • 我閉著眼睛都能做到。
  • 別說大話了。

A: I think I can never hope to learn to dance.
B: But dancing is as easy as falling off a log.
A: Maybe I'm too slow.
  • 我想我永遠也學不會跳舞了。
  • 很容易嘛!
  • 也許我太笨了吧。

A: How are you getting on with your project?
B: Very well. It's all plain sailing.
A: But you should also be very careful about it.
  • 你的專案進展怎麽樣?
  • 很好,非常容易。
  • 但你也應該小心仔細些。

A: Do you like your boss?
B: No, he's a hard nut to crack.
A: Why?
B: He's too strict with his employees.
  • 你喜歡你的老闆嗎?
  • 不,他很難對付。
  • 爲什麽?
  • 他對雇員太嚴格了。

A: We were assigned the task yesterday.
B: Is it easy?
A: By no means. It's a tall order.
  • 昨天我們被分配給這項任務。
  • 好做嗎?
  • 一點也不容易,簡直難透了。

A: It's really a hard nut for us to crack.
B: Yeah. Let's put our heads together and see if we can do something about it.
A: I suggest we ask the engineer for help first.
  • 這對我們來說是個難題。
  • 是啊,我們大家都動動腦筋想想辦法。
  • 我建議首先找工程師來幫一下忙。

A: It's very important for us to clarify the ownership of the house.
B: I beg to differ with you on this matter. It's the price that bothers us.
A: But we can bargain with him as long as we're certain this house is his.
B: OK.
  • 我們把房屋的所有權弄清楚很重要。
  • 請允許我在這件事上有不同意見,讓我們頭疼的是價格。
  • 但是我們在確定房屋是他的後就可以討價還價。
  • 好吧。

A: I think reading extensively is the key to mastery of English.
B: I'm afraid I have a different opinion. Recitation to me is the best way.
A: Why?
B: When you have the language in your mind, it won't be difficult
  for you to read, write or translate.
A: It's easier said than done.
  • 我認爲廣泛閱讀是學習英語最好的辦法。
  • 恐怕我不同意你的看法,背誦在我看來是最好的辦法。
  • 爲什麽?
  • 如果你能在頭腦中記住這種語言,讀、寫、譯就不會困難了。
  • 說起來容易做起來難。

A: Shakespeare is the greatest master of language. I think this
  point is made clear without debate.
B: I'm afraid I can't agree with you on this. Recent research has
  found that he just happened to be famous.
A: What do you mean by "happened to be famous"?
B: Not all of his works were better than those of his
  contemporaries. They just happened to be read more by people.
  • 莎士比亞是最偉大的語言大師,我認爲這一點是不言自明的。
  • 這一點上我恐怕不能同意你的意見,最近的研究表明他是偶然出名的。
  • 你的“偶然出名”是什麽意思?
  • 並不是他的所有作品都比同時代的作家好,只不過是碰巧很多人讀到了

A: I think we can solve those difficult ones first.
B: I'm afraid I can't accept your argument. We should do it step by step.
A: But these are too easy for us.
B: Sometimes it's just the easy ones that confuse us.
  • 我認爲我們可以先解決那些難的。
  • 我恐怕不能接受你的論點。我們應該循序漸進。
  • 可這些對我們來說太容易了。
  • 有時就是那些簡單的東西難住我們。

A: I'm not convinced by your explanation.
B: Which part is not clear?
A: The whole of it. Could you explain it from the beginning to the end once again?
B: I really can't do that. There's little time left for us.
  • 你的解釋不能使我信服。
  • 哪部分不清楚?
  • 都不明白。能否再從頭到尾解釋一遍?
  • 不行,時間不夠了。

henrylu (威望:0)


Really good sentences. I love it.

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