
some hints for the QS audit [分享]-1



4.1 Management Responsibility

4.1.1 Quality policy

    []Does any signed fundamental declaration exist, clearly defining the company's quality policy[/]

The Quality Policy is stated in the company systems manual ('quality manual'). Its approval is by

signature of approval of the systems manual.


    []Does the quality policy cover the[/]


From the quality policy,

"... to provide our customers with products and services that meet or exceed their expectations

and needs."

" To provide confidence to our customers and distributors that their quality requirements are understood, being fulfilled and maintained."

In addition there is a Quality Objectives statement following the Quality Policy statement in the systems manual.

Commitments to quality by the upper management?

" This quality policy and quality objectives are supported and driven by management."

    []Is the quality policy relevant for the[/]

Expectations and

Needs of the company's customers?

We believe it is relevant and adequate.

    []Is it ensured that information about the quality policy is being distributed within all levels in the company For example, circulated notices/newsletters, posters, company meetings, training, quality circles, etc.[/]

Company X Chemical is a small company. As such, the communication of the policy is personal. Several quality policy 'posters' are placed at strategic locations around the facility. In addition each employee has a wallet card with the quality policy on it.

    []Is an organizational chart of the company available Possible ways of presenting the structure of the organization are: e.g. organizational chart, responsibility matrix.[/]

Yes - The organization chart is in the Procedures Manual.

    []Does the organizational chart contain the organizational units responsible to ensure quality[/]

The organizational chart adequately represents divisions of responsibility. Responsibilities are also defined within company documentation including the systems manual, systems flow charts and other procedural documentation.


4.1.2 Organization

    []Are the holder's of positions in these organizational units identified[/]

    []Are the Responsibility Authority Organizational freedom Interfaces of personnel who manage, perform and verify work affecting quality defined and documented[/]

We believe responsibilities are well defined through the organizational chart, the systems manual and other systems documentation.
Authority - Is defined within documentation where appropriate as distinguished from responsibility.
Organizational Freedom - Not particularly applicable to this size of a business.
Interfaces - The size of Company X Chemicals ensures that everyone on every level communicates (interfaces) as necessary without a defined system of interfaces.

    []Has a management representative of the supplier's own management been appointed[/]

Yes. The Vice-President of Operations.

    []Is his responsibility and authority defined in order to ensure that[/]

The requirements of this standard are implemented,

The company-specific quality system is maintained,

The upper management is comprehensively informed about the performance of the quality system?

These are specifically cited and documented in the company systems manual.

4.1.3 Management review

    []How is procedure for the evaluation of the quality system defined, e.g. by[/]


"... Continuing suitability and effectiveness. ..."


Routine meetings.

Time intervals?

Yearly as a minimum.

    []Does the upper management review the suitability and effectiveness of the quality system at defined intervals Based on results of internal quality audits and regarding the status of the achieved quality goals, for example, through customer survey, personnel surveys, quality circle activities as well as by quality reports, customer complaint reports, etc.[/]

Yes. The 'line items' upon which the review is based are itemized on the Management Review form.

    []Does the upper management order necessary corrective and preventive actions and insure its implementation and effectiveness For example, regarding the quality system, resources, personnel, etc.[/]

Corrective Actions required are identified during management review as a response to systems failures.

    []Are results of management reviews documented and stored[/]






sally (威望:0)


it is very useful for me ,i am take part in several QMS audit but also use Chinese .so i am very glad to see it ,thanks a lot.

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