

一、事先计划和准备(Plan Ahead & Prepare)
Adequate trip planning and preparation helps backcountry travelers accomplish trip goals safely and enjoyably, while simultaneously minimizing damage to the land.

Pre-Trip Planning

Poor planning often results in miserable campers and damage to natural and cultural resources. Rangers often tell stories of campers they have encountered who, because of poor planning and unexpected conditions, degrade backcountry resources and put themselves at risk.

Why is Trip Planning Important? You may want to add additional answers to this list:

It helps ensure the safety of groups and individuals.
It prepares you to Leave No Trace and minimizes resource damage.
It contributes to accomplishing trip goals safely and enjoyably.
It increases self-confidence and opportunities for learning more about nature.
Seven Elements to Consider When Planning a Trip

Identify and record the goals (expectations) of your trip.
Identify the skill and ability of trip participants.
Select destinations that match your goals, skills, and abilities
Gain knowledge of the area you plan to visit from land managers, maps, and literature.
Choose equipment and clothing for comfort, safety, and Leave No Trace qualities.
Plan trip activities to match your goals, skills, and abilities.
Evaluate your trip upon return note changes you will make next time.
Other Elements to Consider: When Planning a Trip You may want to add your own ideas to this list:

private land boundaries
average hiking speed of group n anticipated food consumption (leftovers create waste which leaves a trace!)
group size (does it meet regulations, trip purpose and Leave No Trace criteria?)
all Leave No Trace principles
Meal Planning: Meals are another element to trip planning that can have a profound effect on the impact a group has on a backcountry area.

Benefits of Good Meal Planning:

Reduced trash.
Reduced pack weight, resulting in faster hiking times and less fatigue.
Reduced dependence upon campfires for cooking.

One-Pot Meals and Food Repackaging:
Planning for one-pot meals and light weight snacks requires a minimum of packing and preparation time, lightens loads and decreases garbage. One-pot meals require minimal cooking utensils and eliminate the need for a campfire. Two backpack stoves can be used to cook all meals for large groups if you have two large pots (one large pot can be balanced on two stoves when quick heating is desired). Remember, a stove Leaves No Trace.

Most food should be removed from its commercial packing and placed in sealable bags before packing your backpacks. Sealable bags secure food and reduce bulk and garbage. Empty bags can be placed inside each other and packed out for reuse at home. This method can reduce the amount of garbage your group must pack out at the end of the trip and eliminate the undesirable need of stashing or burying unwanted trash.

What are Some Examples of the Results of Poor Trip Planning?

A group that is inexperienced or unfamiliar with the geography of an area may put people at risk by traveling through areas susceptible to flash floods or along ridge tops vulnerable to lightning activity. Groups traveling arid lands often fail to carry adequate water or a way of purifying water from natural sources. Checking with local land managers and studying maps and weather conditions can contribute to a low-risk existence.
A poorly prepared group may plan to cook meals over a campfire only to discover upon arrival at their destination that a fire ban is in effect or that firewood is in scarce supply. Such groups often build a fire anyway breaking the law or impacting the land simply because they have not planned for alternatives. Fire bans and scarce wood supplies are signs that an area is experiencing the cumulative effects of heavy recreation use.
A group that has failed to develop good travel plans may be unable to travel as fast as ex ed. The terrain may be too steep or the trails too rugged. These groups often resort to setting up camp late at night, sometimes in an unsafe location. Poor campsite selection usually leads to unnecessary resource damage. In addition, the group may never even reach their planned destination.

木瓜 (威望:0) (浙江 嘉兴)


二、在耐久的地面行进和扎营(Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces)
Travel on Durable Surfaces: The goal of backcountry travel is to move through the backcountry while avoiding damage to the land. Understanding how travel causes impacts is necessary to accomplish this goal.

Travel damage occurs when surface vegetation or communities of organisms are trampled beyond recovery. The resulting barren area leads to soil erosion and the development of undesirable trails. Backcountry travel may involve travel over both trails and off-trail areas.

Travel on Trails: Concentrate Activities When Traveling in HeavilyUsed Areas Land management agencies construct trails in backcountry areas to provide identifiable routes that concentrate foot and stock traffic. Constructed trails are themselves an impact on the land; however, they are a necessary response to the fact that people travel in the back country. Concentrating travel on trails reduces the likelihood that multiple routes will develop and scar the landscape. It is better to have one well-designed route than many poorly chosen paths.

Trail use is recommended whenever possible. Encourage travelers to stay within the width of the trail and not short cut trail switchbacks (trail zigzags that climb hill sides). Travelers should provide space for other hikers if taking breaks along the trail. The principles of off-trail travel should be practiced if the decision is made to move off-trail for breaks.

(Hikers in the same group should periodically stop to rest and talk. Avoid shouting to communicate while hiking. Loud noises usually are not welcome in natural areas.)

Travel Off-trail: Spread Use and Impact in Pristine Areas (except in some desert areas) All travel that does not utilize a designed trail such as travel to remote areas, searches for bathroom privacy, and explorations near and around campsites is defined as off-trail. Two primary factors increase how off-trail travel affects the land: durability of surfaces and vegetation, and frequency of travel (or group size).

Durability refers to the ability of surfaces or vegetation to withstand wear or remain in a stable condition.

频繁使用和大队人员增加大面积区域被践踏或一个小的区域被多次践踏。 Frequency of use and large group size increase the like hood that a large area will be trampled, or that a small area will be tram pled multiple times.

Surface Durability: The concept of durability is an important one for all backcountry travelers to understand. The following natural surfaces respond differently to backcountry travel.

Rock, sand and gravel: These surfaces are highly durable and can tolerate repeated trampling and scuffing. (However, lichens that grow on rocks are vulnerable to repeated scuffing).
Ice and snow: The effect of travel across these surfaces is temporary, making them good choices for travel assuming good safety precautions are followed and the snow layer is of sufficient depth to prevent vegetation damage.
Vegetation: The resistance of vegetation to trampling varies. Careful decisions must be made when traveling across vegetation. Select areas of durable vegetation, or sparse vegetation that is easily avoided. Dry grasses tend to be resistant to trampling. Wet meadows and other fragile vegetation quickly show the effects of trampling. Trampling ensures new travelers to take the same route and leads to undesirable trail derailment. As a general rule, travelers who must venture off-trail should spread out to avoid creating paths that encourage others to follow. Avoid vegetation whenever possible, especially on steep slopes where the effects of off-trail travel are magnified.

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