
【翻译】第三十二篇 Organizations put statistical engineering to the test, see re

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Organizations put statistical engineering to the test, see results

by Roger W. Hoerl and Ronald D. Snee
A review of past Statistics Roundtable columns reveals that statisticians and quality professionals are always looking for better ways to increase the breadth and effectiveness of the use of statistical thinking and methods.
In last month’s column, we introduced statistical engineering as an approach that links statistical thinking with statistical methods and provides a mechanism for improving the effectiveness of statistical thinking and methods.1
Statistical engineering works because statistical concepts, methods and tools are linked and sequenced, based on sound science and embedded in work processes with the aid of software. Embedding—including statistical methods in the standard operating procedures for business processes—is a powerful method of institutionalizing the proper use of statistical methods. Statistical engineering is effective in solving problems and improving processes. What follows are several cases illustrating how statistical engineering is used and the breadth of its application.
Transactional processes
The first example of statistical engineering is improving the performance of a transactional process: the process of collecting money from those who are past due on their accounts.
Statistical thinking and methods, as well as proper use of data, can be imbedded into the operation of the process to improve performance and to institutionalize this improved approach. Table 1 illustrates some simple ways statistical thinking and methods can be imbedded in such a process. The statistical tools involved include process maps, run charts, control charts, Pareto charts, measurement system analysis using attribute measurement studies, and design of experiments (DoE

http://www.asq.org/img/qp/099480-table1.gifTable 1
Perhaps the only method requiring some explanation is the use of DoE to improve collection strategies. In fact, DoE has many potential applications in the service industries.2 This first example is based on actual DoE applications in collections at General Electric (GE3
In this case, GE’s credit card division had many collectors attempting to find customers who owed money on their cards, but they could not be found at the address or phone numbers on record. Many of these customers were willing to pay, but GE had no way of getting them their bills.
Unfortunately, each collector had his or her own process, usually involving multiple external data sources, such as external credit agencies, public records or other GE credit-card files.
By applying DoE to identify the most effective collection strategy, GE was able to standardize the approach taken by collectors, resulting in additional collections of almost $3 million per year.
At GE, the contribution of statistical engineering was to identify how methods effective in one application arena could also be applied in a new arena—collections—and also to ensure the ongoing application of these methods by embedding them into standard work processes.
Managing product quality
Another tangible example of statistical engineering in the field of quality improvement is the Product Quality Management System (PQM) developed at DuPont in the 1970s. PQM is an overall framework for managing the quality of a product or service. It provides an operational system that enables marketing, R&D, production and support personnel to work together to meet increasingly stringent customer requirements.In his 1986 American Statistical Association Invited Presidential Address, DuPont CEO Richard E. Heckert commented:
"Within two years, product quality had improved to the point of commanding a marketplace advantage, and more than $30 million had been gained in operating cost improvements. The statistically based PQM system developed for ‘Dacron’ was expanded to other products with further contributions in earnings."4
The statistical tools embedded in the PQM approach included:

Product and process sampling schemes.
Product lot release methods.
Analysis of variance and variance components.
Cumulative sum control chart process control.
Shewhart control.
Interlaboratory studies of measurement methods.
Response surface method.
Data graphics.

A training system was also in place to provide DuPont staff with the needed knowledge and skills to use PQM.Managing product quality was emphasized the tools were not. This was evident in the role definitions of PQM statisticians and quality professionals found in DuPont’s PQM manual in 1988:

Leaders in developing their organization’s strategy for quality management.
Leaders in developing technology systems for quality management.
Participants in the business planning process.
Participants in problem-solving activities.
Leaders in initiating and implementing quality management training systems.

This manual, which goes back more than 20 years, indicates that the roles of statisticians and quality professionals are different when embedding statistical thinking and methods in the processes used to operate the business. Leadership is required by those using statistical engineering. This example illustrates the leadership role needed to implement statistical engineering by connecting statistical tools with statistical thinking. This was illustrated in Figure 1 in last month’s Statistics Roundtable column.5
The contribution of statistical engineering in this example was to integrate various techniques (statistical and otherwise), software, a training system, a manual and new roles for statisticians and quality professionals into an overall quality management system to improve quality at lower costs.
In essence, the whole was greater than the sum of the parts. This difference was the unique contribution of statistical engineering.
Streamlining experimentation
Another example involves streamlining experimentation. This application of statistical engineering was developed at DuPont in the 1960s and was offered in public workshops beginning in the 1970s.6
The strategy identifies three experimental environments: screening, characterization and optimization. The strategy sequences and links a variety of experimental designs that are used depending on the experimental environment.
The screening phase explores the effects of a large number of variables with the objective of identifying a smaller number of variables to study further in characterization or optimization experiments. Screening studies typically use fractional-factorial and Plackett-Burman designs to collect data. Additional screening experiments involving additional factors may be needed when results of the initial screening experiments aren’t promising. On several occasions, we’ve seen the screening experiment solve the problem.
In the characterization phase, we try to better understand the system by estimating interactions and linear (main) effects. Here, full-factorial and fractional-factorial designs are used.
In the optimization phase, we develop a predictive model for the system to find useful operating conditions through response surface contour plots and perhaps mathematical optimization. Response surface designs are used to collect data in these studies.
This screening, characterization and optimization (SCO) strategy actually embodies several substrategies that are a subset of the overall SCO strategy, namely:


The end result of each of these sequences is a completed project. There is no guarantee of success in a given instance, only that SCO strategy will increase your chances of succeeding.
The strategy used depends on the experimental environment. These characteristics involve program objectives, the nature of the factors (Xs) and responses (Ys), resources available, quality of the information to be developed and the theory available to guide the experiment design and analysis. A careful diagnosis of the experimental environment along these lines can have a major effect on the success of the experimental program.7
Statistical engineering contributes by taking proven DoE techniques, which are often researched and taught in isolation from one another, and integrating them into an overall experimentation strategy. This strategy allows practitioners to achieve greater results than they could achieve using the same DoE techniques in isolation.
Improving sales and operations
James L. Hess, vice president of operations services at Leggett and Platt, described another use of statistical engineering that helped the the company improve its sales and operational planning process, which of course is a critical business process.8
This example involved embedding statistical modeling and forecasting methods within the demand planning part of the process. Using data and applying proven statistical methods are integral to the business process, as is the commercial software used to support the workflows.
The statistical tools used included Bayesian time series techniques for modeling data. These techniques were tailored to the application.
For example, if adequate data were available, seasonality was incorporated into the models. Rather than relying solely on statistical methods, the models were constructed and used to make forecasts that can be revised based on outside information, integrating statistical and knowledge-based approaches.
The main benefits came from reduced inventories for the same customer service level and production efficiency. This freed cash and reduced expenses associated with carrying inventory. One of the most significant benefits was the reduced opportunity for slow-moving and obsolete inventory.
A smaller part of the business case is improved labor efficiency. While the financial impact of this approach is company confidential, Hess reported that this business process approach contributed significantly to the company’s bottom line.
In this case, the contribution of statistical engineering was embedding the methods to ensure institutionalization, integration of statistical and knowledge-based approaches, and tailoring the Bayesian time series approach so it could differentiate between cases with enough data for seasonality estimation and cases that didn’t have enough data.
Underlying theory
The reasons for the effectiveness of statistical engineering can be seen when you consider the theory underlying its use. We believe there are at least five aspects of this theory:

A system or strategy to guide the use of statistical tools is needed to effectively use the tools.
The impact of statistical thinking and methods can be increased by integrating several statistical tools, enabling practitioners to deal with highly complex issues that cannot be addressed with any one method.
Linking and sequencing the use of statistical tools speeds the learning of the approach, thereby increasing the impact of the method.
Embedding statistical thinking and tools into daily work institutionalizes their application.
Viewing statistical thinking and methods from an engineering context provides a clear focus on problem solving to the benefit of humankind.

Over time, as statistical engineering is used, this theory will be challenged and revised as more is discovered. As a result, the breadth, depth and effectiveness of statistical thinking and methods in practice will increase—an objective on which the vast majority of statisticians and quality professionals can agree.
Realizing the promise
Statistical engineering provides a thought process that enables you to integrate, link and sequence statistical tools in a way that facilitates embedding the tools in processes and systems used to run the business. As a result, the sustainability of the benefits on the problem solution or process improvement is increased. Broad use of statistical engineering will move us closer to realizing the promise of statistical thinking and methods. Leadership by statisticians and quality professionals is required to effectively apply statistical engineering. Assuming leadership will result in impactful roles for those who accept the challenge.
Roger W. Hoerl is manager of GE Global Research’s applied statistics lab. He has a doctorate in applied statistics from the University of Delaware in Newark. He is an ASQ fellow and a recipient of the ASQ Shewhart Medal and Brumbaugh Award. Hoerl is also an Academician in the International Academy for Quality.
Ronald D. Snee is president of Snee Associates LLC in Newark, DE. He has a doctorate in applied and mathematical statistics from Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ. Snee has received the ASQ Shewhart and Grant medals, and is an ASQ fellow and an Academician in the International Academy for Quality.

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本帖最后由 460591835 于 2011-8-30 10:34 编辑

Organizations put statistical engineering to the test, see results
by Roger W. Hoerl and Ronald D. Snee
A review of past Statistics Roundtable columns reveals that statisticians and quality professionals are always looking for better ways to increase the breadth and effectiveness of the use of statistical thinking and methods.
过往Statistics Roundtable 专栏的许多文字表明,统计和质量专家一直在寻找更广泛,更有效的应用统计理论和方法的途径。
In last month’s column, we introduced statistical engineering as an approach that links statistical thinking with statistical methods and provides a mechanism for improving the effectiveness of statistical thinking and methods.1
Statistical engineering works because statistical concepts, methods and tools are linked and sequenced, based on sound science and embedded in work processes with the aid of software. Embedding—including statistical methods in the standard operating procedures for business processes—is a powerful method of institutionalizing the proper use of statistical methods.
Statistical engineering is effective in solving problems and improving processes. What follows are several cases illustrating how statistical engineering is used and the breadth of its application.

Transactional processes
The first example of statistical engineering is improving the performance of a transactional process: the process of collecting money from those who are past due on their accounts.
Statistical thinking and methods, as well as proper use of data, can be imbedded into the operation of the process to improve performance and to institutionalize this improved approach. Table 1 illustrates some simple ways statistical thinking and methods can be imbedded in such a process. The statistical tools involved include process maps, run charts, control charts, Pareto charts, measurement system analysis using attribute measurement studies, and design of experiments (DoE

Table 1
方法 目标
培训内容增加流程图 明确流程操作中的文件和交流和关键过程
用运行图和控制图定义并跟踪关键测量 定义工作目标标准,随时确认过程绩效
用柏拉图来管理每月的账户违约的原因 明确执行过程中变异的真因
使用柏拉图前建立资料分析的标准程序 保证违约原因能够被准确侦测,并对不确定的侦测存档
建立标准程序按设计好的方法改进信息收集策略 用科学的方法保证工作人员使用最合适的方法

Perhaps the only method requiring some explanation is the use of DoE to improve collection strategies. In fact, DoE has many potential applications in the service industries.2 This first example is based on actual DoE applications in collections at General Electric (GE3
In this case, GE’s credit card division had many collectors attempting to find customers who owed money on their cards, but they could not be found at the address or phone numbers on record. Many of these customers were willing to pay, but GE had no way of getting them their bills.
Unfortunately, each collector had his or her own process, usually involving multiple external data sources, such as external credit agencies, public records or other GE credit-card files.
By applying DoE to identify the most effective collection strategy, GE was able to standardize the approach taken by collectors, resulting in additional collections of almost $3 million per year.
At GE, the contribution of statistical engineering was to identify how methods effective in one application arena could also be applied in a new arena—collections—and also to ensure the ongoing application of these methods by embedding them into standard work processes.
Managing product quality
Another tangible example of statistical engineering in the field of quality improvement is the Product Quality Management System (PQM) developed at DuPont in the 1970s. PQM is an overall framework for managing the quality of a product or service. It provides an operational system that enables marketing, R&D, production and support personnel to work together to meet increasingly stringent customer requirements.
In his 1986 American Statistical Association Invited Presidential Address, DuPont CEO Richard E. Heckert commented:
在1986年美国统计委员会高端邀请会上,DuPont CEO Richard E. Heckert 这样说:
"Within two years, product quality had improved to the point of commanding a marketplace advantage, and more than $30 million had been gained in operating cost improvements. The statistically based PQM system developed for ‘Dacron’ was expanded to other products with further contributions in earnings."4
The statistical tools embedded in the PQM approach included:

• Product and process sampling schemes.
• 过程和产品的抽样方案
• Product lot release methods.
• 产品转量产管理
• Analysis of variance and variance components.
• 变异及其组成分析
• Cumulative sum control chart process control.
• 制程累积控制图
• Shewhart control.
• 休哈特控制图
• Interlaboratory studies of measurement methods.
• 测试方面的实验室研究
• DoE.
• Response surface method.
• 响应面方法
• Data graphics.
• 数据制图

A training system was also in place to provide DuPont staff with the needed knowledge and skills to use PQM.
Managing product quality was emphasized the tools were not. This was evident in the role definitions of PQM statisticians and quality professionals found in DuPont’s PQM manual in 1988:
统计和质量专家从1986年DUPONT PQM手册中发现了以下角色定义的材料:

• Leaders in developing their organization’s strategy for quality management.
• 组织品质战略发展部部长
• Leaders in developing technology systems for quality management.
• 技术发展和品质管理部部长
• Participants in the business planning process.
• 业务计划流程参与者
• Participants in problem-solving activities.
• 问题解决参与者
• Leaders in initiating and implementing quality management training systems.
• 品质管理系统组织和执行部部长

This manual, which goes back more than 20 years, indicates that the roles of statisticians and quality professionals are different when embedding statistical thinking and methods in the processes used to operate the business. Leadership is required by those using statistical engineering. This example illustrates the leadership role needed to implement statistical engineering by connecting statistical tools with statistical thinking. This was illustrated in Figure 1 in last month’s Statistics Roundtable column.5
The contribution of statistical engineering in this example was to integrate various techniques (statistical and otherwise), software, a training system, a manual and new roles for statisticians and quality professionals into an overall quality management system to improve quality at lower costs.
In essence, the whole was greater than the sum of the parts. This difference was the unique contribution of statistical engineering.
Streamlining experimentation
Another example involves streamlining experimentation. This application of statistical engineering was developed at DuPont in the 1960s and was offered in public workshops beginning in the 1970s.6
The strategy identifies three experimental environments: screening, characterization and optimization. The strategy sequences and links a variety of experimental designs that are used depending on the experimental environment.
The screening phase explores the effects of a large number of variables with the objective of identifying a smaller number of variables to study further in characterization or optimization experiments. Screening studies typically use fractional-factorial and Plackett-Burman designs to collect data. Additional screening experiments involving additional factors may be needed when results of the initial screening experiments aren’t promising. On several occasions, we’ve seen the screening experiment solve the problem.

In the characterization phase, we try to better understand the system by estimating interactions and linear (main) effects. Here, full-factorial and fractional-factorial designs are used.
In the optimization phase, we develop a predictive model for the system to find useful operating conditions through response surface contour plots and perhaps mathematical optimization. Response surface designs are used to collect data in these studies.

This screening, characterization and optimization (SCO) strategy actually embodies several substrategies that are a subset of the overall SCO strategy, namely:

• Screening-characterization-optimization.
筛选 鉴定 优化
• Screening-optimization.
筛选 优化
• Characterization-optimization.
鉴定 优化
• Screening-characterization.
筛选 鉴定
• Screening.
• Characterization.
• Optimization.

The end result of each of these sequences is a completed project. There is no guarantee of success in a given instance, only that SCO strategy will increase your chances of succeeding.

The strategy used depends on the experimental environment. These characteristics involve program objectives, the nature of the factors (Xs) and responses (Ys), resources available, quality of the information to be developed and the theory available to guide the experiment design and analysis. A careful diagnosis of the experimental environment along these lines can have a major effect on the success of the experimental program.7

Statistical engineering contributes by taking proven DoE techniques, which are often researched and taught in isolation from one another, and integrating them into an overall experimentation strategy. This strategy allows practitioners to achieve greater results than they could achieve using the same DoE techniques in isolation.
Improving sales and operations
James L. Hess, vice president of operations services at Leggett and Platt, described another use of statistical engineering that helped the the company improve its sales and operational planning process, which of course is a critical business process.8
Leggett and Platt运营服务副总裁James L. Hess描述了另一个统计工程的应用实例:帮助公司改进销售和运营规划过程。这当然是一个重要的业务过程。

This example involved embedding statistical modeling and forecasting methods within the demand planning part of the process. Using data and applying proven statistical methods are integral to the business process, as is the commercial software used to support the workflows.

The statistical tools used included Bayesian time series techniques for modeling data. These techniques were tailored to the application.

For example, if adequate data were available, seasonality was incorporated into the models. Rather than relying solely on statistical methods, the models were constructed and used to make forecasts that can be revised based on outside information, integrating statistical and knowledge-based approaches.
比如,数据足够充分,季节性因素也可以纳入模型。依靠统计方法,模型被构造并用来根据外界的信息结合统计和知识为基础的方法做出预测,这些预测是可以修改的 。

The main benefits came from reduced inventories for the same customer service level and production efficiency. This freed cash and reduced expenses associated with carrying inventory. One of the most significant benefits was the reduced opportunity for slow-moving and obsolete inventory.

A smaller part of the business case is improved labor efficiency. While the financial impact of this approach is company confidential, Hess reported that this business process approach contributed significantly to the company’s bottom line.

In this case, the contribution of statistical engineering was embedding the methods to ensure institutionalization, integration of statistical and knowledge-based approaches, and tailoring the Bayesian time series approach so it could differentiate between cases with enough data for seasonality estimation and cases that didn’t have enough data.
Underlying theory
The reasons for the effectiveness of statistical engineering can be seen when you consider the theory underlying its use. We believe there are at least five aspects of this theory:

1. A system or strategy to guide the use of statistical tools is needed to effectively use the tools.
2. The impact of statistical thinking and methods can be increased by integrating several statistical tools, enabling practitioners to deal with highly complex issues that cannot be addressed with any one method.
因统计原理和方法的结合 ,使用者能整合多少统计工具,以处理单一工具无法处理的复杂问题
3. Linking and sequencing the use of statistical tools speeds the learning of the approach, thereby increasing the impact of the method.
4. Embedding statistical thinking and tools into daily work institutionalizes their application.
5. Viewing statistical thinking and methods from an engineering context provides a clear focus on problem solving to the benefit of humankind.

Over time, as statistical engineering is used, this theory will be challenged and revised as more is discovered. As a result, the breadth, depth and effectiveness of statistical thinking and methods in practice will increase—an objective on which the vast majority of statisticians and quality professionals can agree.

Realizing the promise
Statistical engineering provides a thought process that enables you to integrate, link and sequence statistical tools in a way that facilitates embedding the tools in processes and systems used to run the business. As a result, the sustainability of the benefits on the problem solution or process improvement is increased.
Broad use of statistical engineering will move us closer to realizing the promise of statistical thinking and methods. Leadership by statisticians and quality professionals is required to effectively apply statistical engineering. Assuming leadership will result in impactful roles for those who accept the challenge.

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