


Philosophy is the discipline concerned with questions of how one should live (ethics); what sorts of things exist and what are their essential natures (metaphysics); what counts as genuine knowledge (epistemology); and what are the correct principles of reasoning

哲学是一系列原则, 包括一个人应该如何生活(道德)、什么是存在、它们的本质是什么(形而上学)、什么是真知(认知论)、什么是正确的推理方法。

The Toyota Production System is the philosophy which organizes manufacturing and logistics at Toyota, including the interaction with suppliers and customers. The TPS is a major part of the more generic "Lean manufacturing".
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T ... ystem

TPS是Toyota公司的生产和后勤管理哲学, 包括供应商管理部分。TPS是精益生产的主要部分。

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Lean manufacturing is a generic process management philosophy derived mostly from the Toyota Production System (TPS) but also from other sources.


For many, Lean is the set of TPS 'tools' that assist in the identification and steady elimination of waste (muda), the improvement of quality, and production time and cost reduction. To solve the problem of waste, Lean Manufacturing has several 'tools' at its disposal. These include continuous process improvement (kaizen), the "5 Whys" and mistake-proofing (poka-yoke). In this way it can be seen as taking a very similar approach to other improvement methodologies.

对很多人来说, 精益是一套TPS工具, 用来识别和消除浪费,提高质量, 降低生产时间,降低成本。为解决浪费问题,精益生产有几个工具, 包括持续改善过程,5 Why, 防呆法。这样看来, 精益与其它的改善方法没多大区别。

There is a second approach to Lean Manufacturing which is promoted by Toyota in which the focus is upon implementing the 'flow' or smoothness of work (opposite of mura, unevenness) through the system and not upon 'waste reduction' per se. Techniques to improve flow include production levelling, "pull" production (by means of kanban) and the Heijunka box.

Toyota推广的是另一种方法,它强调通过系统来达到 “流”, 即工作的平稳,而不是通过减少浪费的技术来提高流,方法包括生产均匀化,“拉动”生产(通过看板的方式)和平準化

Elimination of waste is the goal of Lean, Toyota defined three types of waste: muda or nonvalue-added work, muri or overburden and mura or unevenness.

削减浪费是精益的目的。 Toyata识别出三种浪费:muda(不增值工作)、muri(负荷过度)、Mura( 不均匀)。

The 14 Principles of the Toyota Way is a management philosophy used by the Toyota corporation that includes the Toyota Production System. The main ideas are to base management decisions on a "philosophical sense of purpose" and think long term, to have a process for solving problems, to add value to the organization by developing its people, and to recognize that continuously solving root problems drives organizational learning.

丰田14条原则是Toyota公司, 包括TPS的管理哲学。其主要思想是管理决策要基于哲学上的目的,做长期打算, 设置解决问题的流程, 通过发展员工为公司增值,承认持续解决根本原因可推动公司学习。

While low inventory levels are a key outcome of the Toyota Production System, an important element of the philosophy behind its system is to work intelligently and eliminate waste so that inventory is no longer needed. Many American businesses, having observed Toyota's factories, set out to attack high inventory levels directly without understanding what made these reductions possible. The act of imitating without understanding the underlying concept or motivation may have led to the failure of those projects
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虽然低库存是TPS的重要表现,其重要的哲学是聪明地工作和消除浪费, 所以库存才变得没有必要。许多美国公司参观了Toyota后, 着手缩减库存, 但并不知道为什么不需要库存。也许正是这种模仿, 而不去理解内部动力, 潜在哲学, 导致了他们的失败。

看到很多人热衷于研究精益工具,而不去发掘隐藏在背后的哲学, 这直接违反了Toyota 14条原则中的 Principle 13, Make decisions slowly by consensus, thoroughly considering all options; Implement decisions rapidly. 这些人会不会象我们的美国同行一样最后以失败而告终呢?

The key targets of 5S are workplace morale and efficiency. The assertion of 5S is that by assigning everything a location time is not wasted by looking for things.

5S的主要目的是提高工作场所的士气和提高效率。5S的基本假设是给每一件物品一个位置, 这样我们就在寻找物品的时候就不会浪费时间

The Toyota Way is not about using 5S to neatly organize and label materials, tools, and waste to maintain a clean and shiny environment. Visual control of a well-planned lean system is different from making a mass-production operation neat and shiny. Lean systems use 5S to support a smooth flow to takt time. 5S is also a tool to help make problems visible and, if used in a sophisticated way, can be part of the process of visual control of a well-planned lean system (Hirano, 1995)

TPS不是通过5S来管理物品, 工具和浪费来保持一个清洁和漂亮的环境。…….. 精益使用5S来支持稳定的流,和节拍。5S可帮助发现问题。 如果用得好,可作为精益系统中目视管理的一部分。


darkafar (威望:2) -


做5S首先要明确其目的,该目的要能支持公司的主要目的(通常是赚钱、提高效率,满足客户, 减低成本等), 从而获得上层管理者的支持,从而可以为推行5S提供长久的动力。

5S的两个主要目的:提高效率(查找资料, 物品时不走弯路)、使错误明显(包括两个内容, 一、 假如桌子上通常都有一盒纸巾, 而某一天纸巾突然不见了, 这应该是比较容易发现的;二、一排椅子除去其中一个, 都是以同一方式摆放, 则这一个就比较显眼)。 这两个目的应该已经很充分, 没有必要另外去找没有根据的目的从而淡化其主要目的。

5S推行是长期的, 逐渐提高的, 而那些大张旗鼓, 造声势, 贴画报的做法都是短期的, 因而都是不合适的。长期的项目一定要获得相关方的支持,所以从一开始就要做好员工的工作,而且要持续不断地做工作,让员工认识到推行5S可以为公司, 为自己带来的利益, 从而主动配合, 甚至提出改进建议。

5S还有一个考核问题,其标准往往是该地方有多干净,这种标准本身就已经脱离了5S的基本目的, 因而是不合适的。所以我认为直接用5S的两大主要目的作为判定标准就行了。遇到观点不被接受时, 一定要听从当事人的意见。

至于目视管理,其主要目的是为使管理者迅速把握信息。管理者走到现场, 看生产线几分钟,就知道制程有没有问题。目视管理有很多工具, 5S应该算其中一个, 简洁明了的报告应该也算一个, Kanban是一个, TPS中有个andon(相当于信号灯,在流程的节点设置一个andon, 若该点出现问题,该点马上停下,作业员按亮andon, 现场的负责人就马上知道该点有问题, 从而着手解决问题,其它点有少量的缓冲料, 可运行一小段时间,若该问题不能很快解决, 则全线停掉, 从而造成解决问题的紧迫感), 也是其中重要的一个工具。

个人认为工具, 制度都是次要的,最重要的是要知道这些工具的基本原理,这些制度的目的,可以实行这种制度的文化背景, 或者说公司哲学,这才是决定一个项目成败的关键。

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