
第四十七篇 IsSix Sigma Dead

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提供者:Liphking 翻译者:wangchunchun 校稿者:zzzelva

IsSix Sigma Dead?六西格玛失灵了吗?If it is, how can we revive it?

by J. Bruce Weeks
In 50 Words Or Less

Six Sigma will fail without leadership commitment, an implementation strategy, correct accounting methods, cultural integration and decisions based on global optima. Instead of being one of the goals and objectives, implementation must be integrated. In addition, lean should precede Six Sigma.
There are reports from the field about the death of Six Sigma.1 The word is that it has been overused, has not brought its expected benefits and that newer methods, such as the theory of constraints and systems thinking, are replacing it.

A 2007 study from the consulting firm QualPro showed that 53 of 58 large companies that use Six Sigma have trailed the S&P 500 since they implemented it.2

The quality profession needs to examine the underlying root causes so we can repair the damage being done to Six Sigma’s reputation.

Diagnosing the problem

Six Sigma can fail for a variety of reasons:

Lack of leadership strategy and commitment. Not enough leaders truly understand that Six Sigma is not an overnight savior. It takes time and work to achieve outstanding results.3, 4

Too many leaders bought into what was called the "latest and greatest fad" in business process fixes, rolled out a Six Sigma program, trained everyone and now have up to 80% of their people working on projects to improve processes.5 This sort of Six Sigma undertaking can often take valuable resources away from launching new products and satisfying customers—core processes required to stay in business and make money year after year. In fact, companies must provide customer satisfaction as job No. 1.

Many Six Sigma implementations were not integrated into the goals and objectives of companies, and Six Sigma simply became one of the goals and objectives.6The Six Sigma rollout wasn’t customerfocused7 or tied to the overall strategic plan for business-aligned cost reductions.

Six Sigma tends to be applied to everything with this kind of an implementation plan. This dilutes the effort, and it is exactly what happened at Sun Microsystems.8The results take too long and are of poor quality, yielding low return on investment (ROI).9
这种执行计划下的六西格玛容易被应用到一切事务当中,反而冲淡了其成果,这正是Sum Microsystems所经历的——取得成果所花费的时间太长,质量差,投资回报率(ROI)低。

Six Sigma Black Belts (BB) end up focusing on small projects that have little risk and can be implemented very quickly, so any results achieved are minor at best.10A stigma grows around a program that takes so much resource application for so little gain. Sun eventually abandoned Six Sigma in most of its departments.11

Another problem occurs when leaders declare victory after using Six Sigma to solve one problem or one set of problems. The organization then decides to move on to the next "latest and greatest thing," usually lean.12, 13

The company leaders then launch a new initiative and their attentions are distracted from SixSigma.14 Enthusiasm wanes, no measures have been installed to keep the Six Sigma team on track, and empowerment of the BBs never happens. It is all over too quickly.

Incorrect accounting methods. Most companies also suffer from using the wrong measures to determine Six Sigma results. Activity-based costing (ABC) and resource-consumption accounting (RCA)practices do not lend themselves to determining the value of a particular activity or resource to the revenue stream or customer satisfaction.15

These organizations track only what it cost to do an activity or use a resource in aggregate, not by individual activity or whether the activity contributed to customer satisfaction.16 Poor management decisions result during cost cutting; layoffs cause loss of valuable company knowledge and whole sale elimination of plants because their performance is considered poor.

Because both accounting methods focus on cost, they miss the value created by Six Sigma projects. They also report the value far too late to be of real use. That leaves them improving the non-value-added processes.17

Poor cultural integration. This results in projects that become randomly selected on a "that sounds good" basis. The leaders do not establish strategic goals and objectives that embrace Six Sigma, but instead merely add Six Sigma as agoal.18,19 Six Sigma projects are launched on their own perceived merits but have no company strategy to tie into except the Six Sigma goal itself.

Local instead of global thinking. There is also a tendency to optimize local processes without thinking about the global impacts. Because projects tend to be handed out, they also tend to come with suggested root causes based on the leaders’ perceptions. This takes empowerment away from Black Belts to really dig in and determine a root cause.

Because the leader’s perception of the answer already exists, there is a tendency for team members to be assigned to the BB before the real root cause has been determined. Without a true root cause, it cannot be known which subject matter experts will beneeded.20 The team then struggles because it doesn’t have the right people to solve the problem after it’s been taken to an actionable level.21

Human issues. Companies often don’t plan Six Sigma initiatives well. It’s rolled out with lots of fanfare in fancy presentations to employees. Then the real work of training the Green Belts (GB)and BBs starts.

The rest of the organization does not hear anything more about it for a few weeks—or months. The initial shine has been tarnished. Employees are asking, "Where are these big improvements I heard about?" and saying, "No one has asked me about what I think should be done!"

The company’s culture has not been changed. GBs and BBs are not supported fully in their roles as change agents. Often, they have other jobs that demand their time and take away from their ability to continually scout for bottom-line opportunities. Lacking leadership commitment, Six Sigma will eventually stall.22

All of this leaves a bad taste in everyone’s mouth. Leaders don’t get the returns they expected, BBs aren’t empowered or are unable to realize their full potential, and the other Six Sigma team members wonder why they are spending time doing things that result in no real gain.

Even worse, the control systems that may have been installed are ignored, and everything goes back to business as usual.

The cure
There is a better way, often using methods that have worked at other organizations.

Leadership commitment and strategy. To make Six Sigma a useful tool again, first an organization needs to create strategic business goals and objectives that embrace Six Sigma thinking instead of trying to add it as a separate goal or objective. All goals and objectives must be customer focused and provide value.

Key critical-to-quality drivers—such as cost, new product introductions and market share—must be determined based on those goals and objectives. The real key to making this work is to realize that what is measured will be worked on.23

Be careful what measurements you choose to monitor the improvements and what you tie bonuses to. If you aren’t careful, you will get exactly what you asked for at the sacrifice of almost everything else.

A better approach would be to take a lesson from 3M, which trained most of its staff and launched Six Sigma projects everywhere.24 When George Buckley came on board as the new CEO nearly five years later, he quickly realized that an overemphasis on Six Sigma had completely stifled creativity within an organization built on innovation.

"While process excellence demands precision, consistency, and repetition, innovation calls for variation, failure, and serendipity," said Brian Hindo, corporate strategies editorat BusinessWeek in an article about the 3M experience.25

Hindo explained that Buckley set up a format in which workers could seek funding from several sources, and the company allowed employees to use 15% of their time to pursue independent projects. This approach encourages risk taking.

Compare this with 3M’s initial launch of Six Sigma, when employees were required to have a minimum number of Six Sigma projects per year and routinely complete charts on commercial potential, market size and manufacturing concerns. Data-driven decisions created an environment in which "incremental work took precedence over blue-sky research."26

In another example of total commitment to keep Six Sigma efforts at the forefront, General Electric (GE) ensured it got top-down commitment by linking 40% of each top management bonus to successful implementation of Six Sigma goals.

This was in addition to requiring all exempt employees to train intensively in Six Sigma methods and complete a project. Further, becoming a GB was a minimum requirement for promotion of anyemployee.27 Driving Six Sigma from the top down by linking remuneration to its success ensures it will be used effectively.

Accounting methods. A better financial reporting system needs to be added to capture the improvements early. Financial measures using ABC and RCA accounting will most likely be useful only for overall company health (macro level) and should not be used to track process improvement (micro level).

Most financial measures are too slow and too aggregated to determine those micro-level improvements. ABC and RCA accounting systems both track costs that are effects, not causes.28

It may be better to take a lesson from lean in this instance. For example, the Wiremold Co. measures at the production cell level.29

Wiremold posts charts and graphs with trend analyses at the cells and uses measurements shown in Table 1. None of these measurements are financial. All are customer focused, operations driven and reflect global rather than local optima.30 Table 1 shows a perfect combination of value-to-the-customer determination and, ultimately, value to the organization.

注意:填充率意思是订单完成并未发生延期交货的项目COGS = cost of goods soldFIFO = 先进先出库存管理法5CS = 类似于5SŸ 整理Ÿ 整顿Ÿ 清扫Ÿ 清洁Ÿ 素养
Culturalintegration. At GE, all Six Sigma projects are tied to a strategic businessgoal as a prerequisite.31 This ensures the organization is working on the rightprojects. And with the executive bonuses tied in, employees will get the timethey need to actually work on projects.

When an organization has goals and objectives with appropriate measures thatcan quickly and accurately reveal the results of improvement efforts, it mustdetermine a project-selection process. All improvement projects must then meetseveral criteria:

Have a project charter that clearly defines the scope.
Have an assigned leader and tentative team.32
Have an expected timeline for completion.
Have an expected ROI that meets company goals.
Have prioritization determination factors that include risk tolerance, productivityenhancements, added profits and revenue, and cost avoidance.33

With these criteria and a clear understanding of resource availability, theexecutive team can make informed decisions about which projects move forwardnow and which will be placed in the parking lot for potential implementationlater.34 Organizations should work on the 4% of problems that cause 50% of theissues.35 Give the BBs projects that state the objective, not a ready-madeanswer.

The addition of lean to the Six Sigma processes to create lean Six Sigma (LSS)makes so much sense that not doing it seems unimaginable. This combination oftwo methods to reduce waste first, eliminate defects and improve the remainingnecessary processes is powerful.

It is also important to continuously set new goals and objectives as LSS beginsto deliver results. Today’s 110% is tomorrow’s 95%. This will avoid complacencythat tends to set in after a goal has been achieved, particularly if it was adifficult project.36 Don’t forget to provide recognition for those who securedthat hard-fought victory.

Local vs. global optima. A better example of linking local to global optima isfound again at Wiremold.

Wiremold’s measurements at the production cell level are shown in Table 2.Referring to Table 1, the production cell-level measures derive directly fromthe company-level measurements. The measurements are how the strategic goalsand objectives are decided on and are nearly immediate, while a cost-accountingmeasurement would be at least one month late.

Again, thesefactory-floor measurement shave no direct financial data connection becausecosts are effects, not causes. Wiremold looks at causes daily, and each workercan see the effect of his or her work and react immediately if things seem tobe going astray. Measurements of this type can be easily automated.37同样,这些工厂的基本测量与财务数据没有直接联系,因为成本只是结果而非原因。 Wiremold每天都在查找原因,每个工人可以看到他或她的工作的影响,如果事情似乎开起来不太正常,他们可以立刻做出反应。这种类型的测量可以很容易地自动进行。
Humanissues. All employees needto know about an LSS initiative, but not all need full GB or BB training. It’sOK if most are White Belts or Yellow Belts. You don’t need 80% of your people workingon 20% of the organization’s problems. Stay focused on what the company doesthat makes money.人的问题。所有员工都需要了解一个LSS的启动,但不是所有人都需要完整的绿带或黑带培训。大部分员工是白带或黄带是很正常的。你不需要80%的员工去解决20%的组织问题。而是需要他们保持关注为公司赚钱的业务。
Reward andrecognize improvement teams. Companyfunctions, newsletters and other house organs should proudly announce the benefitsachieved and directly recognize team members and leaders. Team outings or aline item in the company yearly reports are also good recognition methods thatwill build team morale and engage the organization more completely.
But recognition needs to be even more than that. When an employee makes it toBB and does a good job, the company needs to find a way to provide advancementopportunities. Being a Black Belt cannot be the end of the line.但需要认可的远不止于此。当雇员成功成为黑带并做的不错时,公司需要找到一种方法来提供晋升机会。黑带并不是终点。
If a company istruly dedicated to LSS, a separate department might be created to actively seekout improvement projects without the encumbrances of other tasks more directlyrelated to the product or service.中文(简体)如果一家公司真正致力于LSS,可能会创建一个独立的部门,来积极找出改进项目,而不受其他与产品或服务更直接相关的任务的妨碍。
This can provide enterprise wide leadership pof LSS and will give the company atotal focus on LSS and the ability to truly seek LSS opportunities, developwell-thought-out projects for the executive team to prioritize, assemble itsteams and implement theimprovement.38 Further, there would be a place forrewarding the successful LSS BB or Master BB with supervisory positions.这将可以提供企业层面的LSS的领导力,使公司专注LSS,寻求真正的LSS机会,开发高级领导团队深思熟虑的项目,组合团队实施改进。进一步,这将为黑带和黑带大师提供监督管理职能的职位。

Revive SixSigma复兴六西格玛Six Sigma alone isnot enough anymore because you "would not want to drive process performanceto a Six Sigmalevel—3.4 defects per one million opportunities—for a fat andsloppy process with all sorts of unnecessary redo loops."39 Only if weeliminate the waste first can we truly improve the processes under study.因为不寄希望于将一个充斥着返工的臃肿、邋遢的流程的绩效表现提高到六西格玛水平(每百万分之3.4个缺陷),所以单独运用六西格玛已经远远不够,只有首先消除浪费,我们才能通过分析真正改进业务流程。
But here we need to be careful yet again. Toyota has been in the news a lotlately for what some call an overly strict adherence to lean thinking. Lean isbeing blamed for the issues and recalls Toyota has experienced.但在这里我们要再次小心。丰田最近经常被报道过于严格遵守精益思想——精益是被指责为丰田争议和召回的原因。
You can’t build a house with only a carpenter’s toolbox; among others, you needconcrete tools and electrician’s tools. Similarly, to build a better process,an organization must use tools from all the quality toolboxes, including lean,Six Sigma and total quality management. And the tool used must be appropriateto the situation.你不能只有一个木匠的工具箱建立一套房子;你需要水泥工具和电工工具。同样,建设一个更好的流程,组织必须使用所有的质量工具箱,包括精益,六西格玛和全面质量管理的工具。所用的工具,必须适合当时的情况。
With changes to an organization’s way of thinking, an LSS effort can now be apart of a normative business system for the long haul.40 Select key driversthat are customer focused and have clear key success factors. An organizationwill be managing to value, not cost. That way, financial reporting will beconsistent and timely, and global goals and objectives will be supported.41随着组织思维方式的转变,LSS的成果可以作为企业长期业务系统规范的一部分。选择以客户为中心的关键驱动力和成功的关键因素。任何组织应该管理价值,而不是成本。这样,财务报告将是一致的、及时的;全球目标也将得到支持。
41 By following theseguidelines, we can revive a valuable tool set that will be used at the righttime and in the right place to be of great benefit to organizations and theircustomers.遵循这些准则,我们可以复兴一套宝贵的工具,在合适的时间和地点运用它们,将为对组织和组织的客户带来巨大的效益。
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